Before I write anything I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone. Your words really really really helped. This past week and a half I have re-read all the comments...over and over again....and your words really comforted me. Thank you....I feel so lucky~ It's freakin hard. Not hard like....omg I need to study...well I do have Physics....but I'm not even thinking about that class right now. These are the classes I have:
World Architecture 1
Design Communication 1
Physics II
Design Studio 1A: Principles & Processes
Transition to Woodbury
My main architecture classes are Studio and Design....Everyday a project is due and everyday we get assigned a new project due the next time we meet. It's exhausting because you don't feel like the work ever ends...I doesn't...but like...there are no it feels like a never ending cycle. I have so much crap to do...At times I feel just sit there and stare off....and think to myself.."how the fuck am I supposed to get all this crap done?"
We have had three reviews already.....and they have been very successful! My Studio professor is pretty nice...he seems to like my stuff so far....but I want to get better and better...I want to learn as much as I can from him.... My Design prof....this guy is great.....I used to have an awesome physics professor last year....he was around 55 and was scary as design professor is like a younger version of my physics professor....The entire class is scared of him except me....cause I got used to Professor Gerz (physics).....this guy seems so nice compared to him hahaha~ He is very strict...but can tell he I'm happy...just wish he didn't give us so many projects!!!
Physics is's not hard at the moment.....I don't want to think about how hectic everything is gonna be later on in the semester....ughh. World Architecture is like a history class....we learn about architecture from all types of places. Transition to Woodbury is a 1 unit class where we just talk about the transition to an architecture class....we get to talk to the head of our department about any worries we have....we talk to other students that are in our situation...and you relate to each other....I think it's a very helpful class.
When I get settled even more...I wanna show you guys my studio....All the 1st years are in the same's like a loooooooooong hall that is sectioned of into four sections.....with lots of desks. Everyone has their own desk. Mine is right in corner by the door. I built a "compartment" underneath my desk and added two doors and locks on I can store some of my stuff there. It gets heavy to carry around. I must rememeber to take pictures!

I took this during our 2nd review with my cell phone. My Professor can't been seen...he is blocked my the guy wearing black. My project is the three posters...that sort of look alike.
OKAY! I wrote too much. Again...I just want to say thank you~!
PS. Ten years ago...on the 4th of September.....I moved to the US from Sweden.....I just realized.....TEN YEARS.......I can't believe it.