The Ladies

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My acrylic ladies ready to be sent away.

To whoever visits my little corner of the internet - I hope you've had a wonderful and merry Christmas. Take care~

4:e Advent

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I had a busy and scary week. I have small break now which I'm happy about. My sister got back since she's completed her first semester at law school. Things are winding down. Spent the day at home with family and spent my evening with friends. We're planning a trip to Big Bear so we had a meet eat mainly but also discuss about our trip. Now I'm listening to music. Gonna go to bed and read a bit until I knock out.

Hope you've all had a good weekend~


3:e Advent

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Every year, the Swedish community in LA has a Christmas fair around the time of Lucia. This time it was located at the Shrine Auditorium by USC. It was full with the usual vendors selling everything from pastries to candle holders. Nothing was different from the previous years - same foods, same people, same reactions from people who don't expect you to speak Swedish because of your appearance. All in all it was good nostalgic fun.

I ended the night listening to Bach and Brahms with a friend at the LACMA. Last concert of the year! Now I'm eating pomegranates and getting ready for bed~ Wish you all a good week <3

2:a Advent

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It's been getting pretty cold over here. I was out last night for a birthday. When friends would take smoking breaks, I would stand outside with them. Even though I was wearing a warm jacket, I was shivering from head to toe. Today, I feel like someone smacked me across the back of my head, but I feel good regardless. Especially since my beautiful sunflowers have finally bloomed. Christmas is only a couple of weeks away yet my garden is in full bloom.