Cheer Myself Up

Had a difficult week and I'm glad I can stay home now and do nothing (not really...I have a lot of work to do). Yesterday I had a really bad headache that lasted from noon till I went to bed. It was horrible...pulsating headache that would make me stop in my tracks. I have had bad headaches before, but this one just wouldn't leave me alone. My dad made my Armenian coffee ( is just gross) cause sometimes that helps, but it didn't do anything. I tried to take a nap, but I couldn't. I ended up at my friend's house. She is a friend I don't see very often anymore, unfortunately. We hadn't seen each other in a few years and I called her up this week and we had sushi. She is leaving for school on Sunday, so I wanted to see her again before she left....who knows when we'll see each other again. We watched 12 episodes of The Office last night (season 7) and ate a lot of junk food. I went home with a bigger headache, but it was worth it.

When I got home, I felt empty. The house was quiet and I wanted to talk to someone. I thought...."What can I do to cheer myself up?" and I thought of watching The Office...but I was already tired from the marathon we had earlier. I decided to go to bed to avoid sad thoughts!

I woke up later than usual and I was relieved when I didn't feel the headache. I ate some breakfast with my grandmother. She was telling me how to shorten long dresses (I don't know why, but it was still interesting to listen to). Now I'm sitting in my room...trying to figure out how to tackle all the work I have. Gonna go run some errands for my dad soon.....I don't want to leave the house....But it's okay. It's good for me.

I hope you guys are having a good weekend. <3 Take care of yourselves.

PS PS PS PS!!!!!!!

I forgot to mention! After thinking about this for a very long time anddd discussing this with my cousin and a professor from school, I have decided to purchase a mac sometime in the near (very near...for my birthday) future! I have always had PCs....always always...and my HP has been a pain in the butt for a year and half. One by one it's functions would stop working. I have gotten it "fixed" numerous times, but it was not worth it. So! I emailed a professor at school and told him that I've seen that the majority of our professors carry around macs...."do they have them just cause they are pretty or do they do actual architectural work on them?" He wrote me a long email explaining his love for macs and that he uses them for work. Architecture students usually use PCs because the programs we use are made for I have always been reluctant to even consider a mac. He told me I could partition my hard drive so I could run windows for my windows-based programs. I will be going to India in less than four months and I will be needing a good computer with me.

I have never owned an apple computer before. For those of you who have them...are there any tips/recommendations you could give me? I would really appreciate it~



I tried my best to finish all my work last night so I could hang out with my sister and friend today. We went to Monterey Park to eat dumplings at a place called Mama's Lu. Everything was delicious. We ordered way too much for just the three of us....When we got there, we were starving, so we were confident that we'd be able to finish everything. We were very wrong.


After eating, we drove to Downtown LA and Little Tokyo. Walked around the area and bought some sweets. Drove back to Burbank and and read for a few hours at Barnes. I left everyone a little later so I could go home and do some work.

I came home to this! Two sweaters from Zara. Can't wait for the weather to cool down a bit so I can finally start wearing thick and cozy clothes~!

I just finished some small details to my project for tomorrow's final. I am eerily calm about tomorrow. Maybe because I'm tired~ Time for bed~

I hope you guys have a good week <3

Sipping some tea

I'm at home tonight. Been working on studio work since last night. We have a final on Tuesday and I want to finish everything by tomorrow so I can relax a little bit. I just came back from a daily run and now I'm drinking some tea that I bought from Chinatown.

Chrysanthemum Flower Bud!

My grandmother has been staying over for the past couple of days and I feel so bad for not spending any time with her because of the huge amount work I have...She is very understanding though, but I feel bad and miss her.

I love her very much. I didn't get the chance to grow up with my grandparents and relatives around me like my cousins since I was born in Sweden, so my relationship with them is very different. The closeness I have with my grandmother is very different than my cousins...they hug her constantly and kiss her and tell her out loud that they love her. I am not used to showing affection like that. I hug her too, but I don't show off my love...if that makes sense? It's kind of understood...I would do anything for her, but I don't talk about it....We just have this silent connection where she knows how much I love her and I know how much she loves me. I don't know if that makes sense. I don't even know why I'm talking about this, but whatever! I love my grandmother. She is my mom's mom and her name is Isabel. I have never met my dad's mom because she died before I was born. My parents had moved to Sweden in the late 70s and she died a short while after from a stroke. My dad rarely spoke of her when I was young...I only knew her name...Tello. But as I've grown up, he's told me more and more. I wish I knew her...from what he's told me, she was really strong and loving.

My grandfather from my mom's side died in 1997 I believe. His name was Aram. My mom didn't take it well at all. I remember being scared and uncomfortable at home because I didn't like hearing my mom's cries. I felt sorry for her because she didn't have any relatives around that could comfort her. My dad, my sister, and I tried our best to be there for her. When I was born, my grandparents from my mom's side came and visited us in Sweden. They stayed with us for a couple of months, but I was too young to remember anything...obviously. The last time I saw my grandfather was in 1992. We had a family renunion in Armenia. I was five years old and I hadn't met any of my relatives up to that point.

My grandfather Aram and I <3

My grandfather from my dad's side I only got to meet once. I was two or three when he visited us in Sweden, so I don't remember him that well. His name was Daniel. My dad always tells wonderful stories about him. I wish I could have known him. He died a few years ago and unfortunately, my dad never got to see him again after his visit.

I love my grandparents for being good parents to my mom and dad. I love my parents <3 They have been so good to me. We've been through a lot...but it's alright. We can handle it.

OKAY. BACK TO THIS SCHOOL CRAP. I hope you guys are having a good weekend <3



I walked into my 9 am class today and my professor told us that he was gonna end class early today because he had to go to the site where a house that he has designed is in the process of being built. He told us that we could go with him and look at the progress if we wanted to, so my friend and I decided to go~ The house is located in the mountains of Hollywood and it's beautiful. It's been so incredibly hot here in LA today...we were melting while standing up there, but it was worth it. The house is designed so that A/C is not necessary. Even though it was super hot outside, the inside of the house was cool and breezy. My favorite part of the house was the "backyard". There are stairs that go all the way up the mountain that the house sits on. All the way at the top, there is a hiking trail! It was very narrow and my friend and I were scared of falling down, but we managed...especially after seeing the incredible view.

My feet were burning up.

I was waiting for the temperature to go down at night so I could jog , but that's not happening.....I'm gonna jog anyway~~ I hope you guys are having a good week so far. Take care <3