Second week of school has finished (2/16...yes I am counting) and I am starting to get back into it again. I have a studio class like always. This studio is focused on water. We are exploring Ballona Creek which is an old waterway in Los Angeles. Once upon a time, the Los Angeles River used to run through Ballona and end up in Marina del Rey. In 1835, there was a huge flood which shifted the river's course to Long Beach, where it still flows to today. This past week I have been researching and going to visit the site with my studio. On Tuesday, we visited the A + D Museum (where my friend got me Bjarke Ingels' signature). They had an exhibit about Los Angeles called RETHINK LA. After that we walked up to a museum where Ballona Creek runs underneath. There were some fenced in areas that we couldn't get into, but we could hear the water flowing through. After resting under the shade for a few minutes (it was scorching hot), we walked all the way down to Culver City...trying to follow the course of the creek. By the end of the day I was exhausted. I got home at 8:30 and had to start my homework for my Contemporary Issues class (which I like a lot so far) due the next day. Friday morning I had my Urban Design Theory class. I ate lunch and then my friend loaded our bikes on his car and we drove down to Venice Blvd. (Culver City). We met up with the rest of our class and biked to a park which connected to the Ballona Creek bike path. We rode for a good 40 minutes with stops here and there so we could observe the area and take photos. It was almost 6 pm when my friend and I decided to "ditch" our group and ride our bikes all the way back to our car. I got home at 8. I ate and then went to bed.

Outfit of the day.

Viewing the exhibit at the A + D. Me in the back on the right!

The beginnings of the creek were disappointing. It was gross and there was no water flowing through.

But the more we walked, the more water we saw.

I'm the third one if you count from the back forward!

I am now sitting in my room re-reading Rurouni Kenshin and watching Cowboy Bebop at the same time. Multitasking at its best.

I've been focusing on work this week so I haven't really had time to be sad. I've had several moments where I broke down for a bit, but hugging my crocodile helped me feel a little better. I'm working on it. I'll get there~

Thank you everyone <3

6/10 done. Starting my 7th semester.

First day of studio begins tomorrow. I will no longer be able to hide in my room. I will have to go out and face reality. It sucks when you feel like crap and are forced to get out there and socialize. My worries are that I will not be able to focus on school work because of how I'm feeling. I can't shake the sad feelings off. They are always there eating away at me. I don't want to see or talk to anyone. I just want to stay at home and be alone. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that my left hand had freckle-like patterns on it. They appeared out of nowhere. At first I thought I had eaten something that my body wasn't used to and it was an allergic reaction. But they freckles didn't go away. Instead, they started appearing on my right hand as well, but not as much. I went to the doctor last week and he didn't know what it was. He thought they were sun spots and he ruled out fungus because of the pattern, but still wasn't sure. In the end he had no idea, so he took a bunch of photos and sent them to his friend who is a skin doctor. He wrote me a prescription of hydroquinone topical creme for me to use twice a day. I went home and googled the stuff and read that hydroquinone is used for skin whitening and skin depigmentation. I also read that it has some serious side effects. Apparently it is a potential carcinogen. I don't want this to develop into something more serious in the future, so I decided not to use it. After I settle in with my classes, my parents want me to get another doctor's appointment. It's come to the point were I don't even care what it is. I'm too upset with other things to care. If it's something bad, good. If it's nothing big, good.

I should head to my bed now. I hope I get to sleep a lot this semester. Good night~


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I AM DONE WITH STUDIO~ I'm pretty much done with school for the summer~ I have one paper to write which is due in a week, but no more school!!!!!!!!!~ I will be meeting with my team mates to work on our Steel Competition entry till the 8th of June...but no more stress~ YAYYYYY~I woke up today...didn't know what to do with myself. So much freedom. I repainted some of the moldings around the house......did the dishes, cooked food, and went out. I'm home now...watching King of the Hill and....eating cucumbers~

RANDOOOMMMM BUT I watched I Give My First Love to You/?????????? today in the morning. It stars Mao Inoue who is also in HYD (my favorite). The movie was really sad, but it made me appreciate my health~ There are so many things I want to do in life and I will always work hard no matter what <3

Here are some photos from today and the past everywhere <3


27 is my favorite

My long week. Next week will be even longer. The weather is beautiful and warm~ Summer is a few weeks away~ Hopefully this sore throat I have will vanish and allow me to finish studio in one piece unlike last year~ So little left! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend <3