No I don't need drama, so I'm walking away

I have been trying to do some homework through worrying and stress. Sometimes doing school work really helps because you are forced to think about only that...but after a few hours, I feel very empty. Last week I went to the chiropractor for my back. I have been going off and on, but he told me that I need to come in at least two times a week for treatment. This is concerning the car accident that I was in last August. I asked him if there are back exercises that I can do, and he said there are a lot, but the inflammation in the muscle tissue needs to go down first. It will take a few months according to him, but that's nothing compared to a lifetime of back pain, so I'm gonna try to go tomorrow.

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I have been doing some ProPrac homework...we are drawing wall sections and window details for our group house design. Honestly, right now...I could care less about this stuff. But whatever.

I had a long talk with a friend of mine a few minutes ago. He is one of those friends that you don't get too see as much as you would like to, yet you know that they are really important because they care a lot. He knows of my ups and downs and we always share and listen to each others' troubles. He randomly called me and said he had a feeling that I was down and he wanted to recommend a book about being happy to me. Hopefully I'll get to see him tomorrow so I can read it after studying.

Other news: null

I got new sneakers. My previous converses are over....I got them January 2006....they look disgusting (I still love them <3), but I needed some news ones, so I got these high top ones~ They are great~ to bed. Hope you guys are doing good <3






Last day of school tomorrow before spring break...and I have a shit load of things to do. I am stressing that I won't finish in time to print...ugh. Tomorrow morning I'm going to visit the Hollywood Forever Cemetery because we are now gonna design a fun. NOT. I have been reading about coffins and burial techniques....not fun at all!!!

Another thing that was not fun is what happened to me today. I parked my car where I usually park it...rushed to class. My structures teacher held us in for an extra 30 minutes because she was going over everything so that we won't have problems while studying over spring break. My friend and I run to my car after class and he notices that there is a piece of paper on my windshield. So we look at it and see that it is a ticket because I was over 35 minutes....I was my fault...but what pissed me off sooooooo much was that this woman standing outside her house across the street...had been watching us and right when I said "oh's a ticket"..she yelled "NOW YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON!!!!!!". OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I WAS SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS GONNA JUMP THAT BITCH. I was furious. My friend was laughing and saying that she is so stupid cause we know where she lives. I was so angry...I'm censoring all the bad things I said..If it was legal....I would seriously do something...she hurt my feelings while having this ugly smirk on her face. After she yelled she quickly went into her backyard and closed her gate. BITCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I HOPE SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO YOU.

ok. that might have been a little too much~ but i'm angry. ANYWAY. I got a new top and a new jacket. Both are from Forever 21~ It's been very windy and chilly outside lately, but hopefully it will get warmer~ YAY SPRINGGGGGGG~ <3

"And the sign said...

...long haired freaky people need not apply So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why He said you look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do So I took off my hat I said imagine that, huh, me working for you woah!"

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My new jacket. I absolutely love it. It keeps me warm and it is fluffy~ I dunno if fluffy is the right word...squishy? I is <3. I have to go back to school now and work on a group project...our midterm is on Friday and there is a lot of work to me done unfortunately. Spring break is in a week and a half, but they really want us to work hard before that....;___;

Okay....I don't want to leave hahaha.........okay okay..I have to....nuuuuu...;_____; bye byee~~~~


TOMORROW IS MY STRUCTURES II MIDTERM. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING AND I AM FREAKING OUT. My best friend tried to cheer me up and be supportive, but I know I'm gonna do badly. I haven't studied enough. I haven't been able to concentrate on school work for the past month (a private post on this will come during the weekend), and now it is all falling apart. I'm not surprised..I knew this was gonna happen, but I can't balance everything at once...I am only human. Still...I hate doing badly. I hate disappointing teachers....I need to stop thinking like this. I AM HUMAN. Sad lolo.....sad and confused lolo.