Red & Blue

I am sitting by my desk in Studio. I just got my assignment handout for our next project...Project 2D: Group Work. I HATE group work. I HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE group work. Anyway. I just had to let that out. I have been drawing maps for studio this whole week, and now we have to draw more maps with a partner. And guess who my parnter is?!?! The guy who ditched me. YAYYYYYYYYY. Lorik's life is so awsome. I really have badluck. WHATEVER. I'm waiting for my turn to get reviewed by my instructor...hopefully that goes well. I paid a lot of money to get this crap printed. This image is a sonic section from my Sonic Map of Elysian Park. It is supposed to be placed horizontal but it wouldn't fit here, so I turned it. I like how it looks out of the map...just on it's own~

The red dots represent loud sound and the blue dots represent low sound. The top of the section is super saturated in red...that is where the Pasadena 110 Freeway runs through....and then it gets quieter...etc etc~












I just got home from school. Tomorrow is my pin up for studio. I have to draw three maps by tomorrow....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. SOMEBODY SAVE ME FROM SCHOOL ;_________; At least these flowers are cute and happy~~ They make my day brighter~


So I got ditched today. We were suppoesd to go to a site today with our studio class to some park in LA. I don't have a car, so I was desperately trying to find a ride. Last night I texted some guy in my class asking if he was driving to the site. He called me back saying that he was and offered to take me with him. I asked him if it was convenient for him, cause I could try to find someone else. He reassured me that it was perfectly fine and I thanked him. He told me to be at school at nine. I woke up early, took a to school at 8:45. I went to the cafeteria and got something to eat. I texted him telling him to let me know when he gets there. So it's 9:15 and I start to get worried cause we have to be there at 10. I call him, he doesn't pick up. I call again and again and again. Finally at 9:50 he picks up. "Hey Lorik, how are you? Listen, where were you? Did you get my messages? You never responded. So I left." I was like really?!?! I was there waiting for you. He goes "well im in the freeway right now. Sorry about this missunderstanding." I was so upset. I was like "forget it. Just tell the professor why I'm not there" and then I walked home. I still haven't gotten his "messages". Now I'm behind in studio. Hopefully I can go to the site by myself tomorrow if I have a car. UGH. Here are some photos from yesterday morning, which was a lot better: