REVIEW DAY TODAY! FINALLY OVER! MAN. What a night last night was...I was in studio till the lab closed..but I couldn't print. So I had to wait till today in the gets so hectic sometimes you just want to throw your hands up and give up, but the adrenaline keeps you keep saying "maybe I can make it in time..yeah...maybe..maybe". When I went to school today, it was kind of chilly...but when I got out of my structures class to go print it was POURING. I was shocked since yesterday was so beautiful and warm (as you can see from the above photos...).

So..this is what I wore yesterday! I surprised myself a by wearing this! I's still winter and it's not that hot outside...but it wasn't freezing either. The sun was out, so I thought, "why not? I'll wear shorts!". This is way too formal for school, but I only had Proprac which isn't like a studio class where I will need to cut crap and make models, so it was fine~


I doodle a lot. Especially in school, because it prevents me from falling asleep. I have a couple of larger moleskins that I use for studio notes and sketches. They are mostly personal sketches, but sometimes I'll show them to professors if I feel like the idea is portrayed better as a sketch. Here are a couple of sketches from my sketchbook this sememester~

PS. I don't know why my layout looks like crap in IE ;_____; I don't know how to fix it.


I'm sitting in studio...waiting eagerly to leave. It is a little past five...I'm gonna try to get out as soon as possible. On lucky days, I get out at 4:30, on unlucky days, we might stay till 8. Studio begins at 1:00 evey Tuesday and Friday....those few hours feel like an eternity.

This is my desk at the moment. Culinary school design is on it's way..this was my first take on a model. Gonna start on a new on this weekend. OKAY! Gonna try to leave! CIAO~

How do I begin...

I woke up at 9 today feeling really bad. I don't sleep well anymore, not sure why. But it's okay. Last week we were assigned our second project of the semester. It is our first "building/space design". I visited my site, which is a metro stop in Pasadena. I am to design a dinner type place at this stop and there are other things that I need to incorporate into the design. So far, I have lots of ideas swimming through my brain...but soon I will need to focus more. It's a little challenging to begin's exciting, because I have so many ideas, but at the same time, it makes me tired.