the calm before the storm

School has started. I'm doing okay so far. I have four classes this semester....everything is looking good....but I know everything is gonna become chaotic in a short while. I like my professors this semester...they seem pretty cool. My professor for World Architecture 2 is so good at speaking! I'm jealous of his skill!!

I have to buy a new laptop. And a bunch of programs. It sucks...but I must have everything by Sunday. UGHHHHHHHHHHH.

all things go, all things go

Where have I been!!?? I don't even know myself. Tomorrow is the last day of this horrendous semester that I want to forget. I have a lot to study....but I'm giving myself a short break to write here. I miss you all. I have been sleeping very late lately. Sometimes it is because I have a lot of work to do, but other times, it's because I can't sleep. I lie down in bed...all these thoughts and worries come to me and make it impossible to sleep. Being flooded by thoughts and emotions is not something that I need at the moment is really draining I try to save my engergy as much as I can. I am happy the sememster is almost over because I really can't take it anymore. After tomorrow....I can try to sort out my emotions and catch up with everything else that I have been neglecting. I'm hoping to be able to sleep like I used to~

So....last week was my studio final review. For our final project we each got a partner. We had to both had to draw these activites out of a hat. My activitiy was praying for world peace and my partner's was to track the winter and summer solstice. We had to design a place or thing that would incorporate both of our activities together. Each group was only allowed to use 4 x 8 sheet of 3/4 inch plywood for the construction of the whole piece. This is what we ended up with:

Looks like a dead whale...haha~ So my take on world peace was a negative one....I believe that there can never be world could work theoretically, but it is not a realistic idea. So we decided to create this....a ribcage like structure which would protect me from the outside world. The top part of the structure is supposed to resemeble a sundial.....which my partner would use. During the solstices, the light will shine into the structure, giving me hope and warmth, so that I can pray for peace in peace.

This is our robot. His name is Robot. We made him out of some of our extra wood pieces. Cute~??<3 We like him better than our actual project~~

momentary lapse of reason

I'm so tired you guys. I never get to write here.....I always want to....I always remind myself that I should. But then I end up finishing all my work late late at night....and I can't find myself to write. I hope you are all well. I'm doing okay...just tired...tired of this semester. I registered for next semester....not really looking forward to it at the moment. I have lots of projects that I'm working on....when I'm done with this semester...I'll post pictures of all the stuff I've been working on for you guys to see~

hello. this is lolo! I cut my bangs myself! I'm proud of myself.

LEANNE! I've been wanting to say this for a while now. Thank you so much! I love the presents....I love them~~ I got your present at a really crappy time, so it made me super happy. Thank you thank you thank you~


Thank you everyone so so so much for the birthday wishes. I have been 21 for a week now...and it feels exactly the same hahaha. I probably had the worst birthday ever. On the day of my birthday I was working on projects....I was miserable. I couldn't hang out with friends or fact....I still haven't "celebrated" my birthday. School has taken over my life completely....I's kind of depressing. And also...this week has been hell. That's all I'm gonna say!~ So....on Tuesday Iron Man came out on dvd!! I never buy dvds.....the only movies I own on dvd are....The Godfather Trilogy, Lord of the Rings.....ughh what else....Donnie Brasko.....I really don't know....I think that's it. Well....I'm getting Iron Man! Well....hopefully I will someday. Maybe this weekend....if I don't have too many projects ^___^

OKAY. I must now end this weird post. Lot's of crap to be done!