"And the sign said...

...long haired freaky people need not apply So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why He said you look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do So I took off my hat I said imagine that, huh, me working for you woah!"

null null


My new jacket. I absolutely love it. It keeps me warm and it is fluffy~ I dunno if fluffy is the right word...squishy? I dunno...it is <3. I have to go back to school now and work on a group project...our midterm is on Friday and there is a lot of work to me done unfortunately. Spring break is in a week and a half, but they really want us to work hard before that....;___;

Okay....I don't want to leave hahaha.........okay okay..I have to....nuuuuu...;_____; bye byee~~~~


So I got ditched today. We were suppoesd to go to a site today with our studio class to some park in LA. I don't have a car, so I was desperately trying to find a ride. Last night I texted some guy in my class asking if he was driving to the site. He called me back saying that he was and offered to take me with him. I asked him if it was convenient for him, cause I could try to find someone else. He reassured me that it was perfectly fine and I thanked him. He told me to be at school at nine. I woke up early, took a shower..got to school at 8:45. I went to the cafeteria and got something to eat. I texted him telling him to let me know when he gets there. So it's 9:15 and I start to get worried cause we have to be there at 10. I call him, he doesn't pick up. I call again and again and again. Finally at 9:50 he picks up. "Hey Lorik, how are you? Listen, where were you? Did you get my messages? You never responded. So I left." I was like really?!?! I was there waiting for you. He goes "well im in the freeway right now. Sorry about this missunderstanding." I was so upset. I was like "forget it. Just tell the professor why I'm not there" and then I walked home. I still haven't gotten his "messages". Now I'm behind in studio. Hopefully I can go to the site by myself tomorrow if I have a car. UGH. Here are some photos from yesterday morning, which was a lot better:



REVIEW DAY TODAY! FINALLY OVER! MAN. What a night last night was...I was in studio till the lab closed..but I couldn't print. So I had to wait till today in the morning...it gets so hectic sometimes you just want to throw your hands up and give up, but the adrenaline keeps you going...you keep saying "maybe I can make it in time..yeah...maybe..maybe". When I went to school today, it was kind of chilly...but when I got out of my structures class to go print it was POURING. I was shocked since yesterday was so beautiful and warm (as you can see from the above photos...).

So..this is what I wore yesterday! I surprised myself a by wearing this! I mean..it's still winter and it's not that hot outside...but it wasn't freezing either. The sun was out, so I thought, "why not? I'll wear shorts!". This is way too formal for school, but I only had Proprac which isn't like a studio class where I will need to cut crap and make models, so it was fine~