THANK YOU FOR ALL THE WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY WISHES ^_______^ <3 I had a great birthday...I'll do another post about it later~~ Man it's so wonderful! The incredibly hot weather is going away and nice chilly weather is paying us a visit!! I'm so happy ^_____^ Now I can finally start wearing more layers~~ yayyyyy <3
Yesterday I ordered a pair of boots from! Leather boots!!! They look very nice...and I can't wait till I get them...TOMORROWWW. I ordered them online..which I don't like to do..especially when I'm shopping for shoes cause of the size...when I wear heals I'm usually a 7.5 and my tennis shoes are 8.5 and my other boots are I dunno....HOPEFULLY THEY WILL FIT WELL~
This is what I wore today! The heals are getting more comfortable, but the other day I went to a protest and I was wearing these for five hours..standing up and running around.. and they started to hurt... ;____; but I still like them~<3<3
Damn..look at that vein in my arm. BADASS!!