eyelids that weigh a ton

Meet my crocodile~

Second day of school is over. I have had all of my classes. Four total. Here is a super super duper quick over view.

- Moral Philosophy

So far I have just read two chapters. Nothing big yet.....won't be too hard.

- Materials & Methods

We got split into groups already...and given our first assignment. This is gonna be a bitch,

- Structures

A friend of mine is in my class so even though it's a tough class, it will be fun.

- Studio

UGHHHHHHHHHH What can I say about this class...? It's studio...the most horrible of them all.

I hope this year is good. I'm really tired right now....my eyes are closing.


I got my new glasses. I lost my old ones at the HP 6 midnight screening...;______; I like these though....They are a new perscription, so my eyes need to adjust. School starts on Monday. Not too happy about that. I'm actually freaking out inwardly....so I just seem very quiet and calm. But in actuality....I'm nervous and scared. Oh well......what can I do......

What to do

School starts on Monday and already crap is happening ;___; On Tuesday my sister and I got into a car accident by doing nothing. We were stopped at a red light, talking casually, when we got hit from the behind by some 21 one year old guy. Both cars are totalled and now we have only one car (which my parents drive). My sister and I went to the doctor the day of the accident cause we weren't feeling well. We took xrays, and today we went to the doctor again so he could tell us what was up. We both have muscles spasms and he said I have small tears in my muscles around the neck. My lower back is hurting too (more than my neck), so he started a session for both my back and neck today. It still hurts, but it's working. I'm just stressed because I need a car for school, even though I can ride my bike somedays. We don't have the time at the moment to go car shopping. The guy's insurance only covered for our car, not his...but he had some crap insurance, so it's not gonna cover everything. I'm not sure what's gonna happen. I'm just happy my sister and I are well.

Our car from the back. It looks like nothing really happened...but the bottom of the car just fell (I don't know if you can see...)...since his car was lower...when it hit our's...damaged the bottom of the car...

Our car from the side. Poor car....;_____;

His car from the side.

And the front.

This was taken before the accident haha~

Perfect Night

Yesterday was a crazy day with lots of confusion and feelings of ;______; But last night was great since I got to spend time with my sister. We watched Ponyo. The theater only had two showings of it in one of their smaller rooms and our friend happened to be there with his group of friends. It was very funny, but even though we wanted to make fun of him and throw stuff at him (this is what we all like to do to eachother), we kept to ourselves, so that his friends wouldn't think we were crazy. The movie was really cute. My friend complained afterwards that it was too simple and stupid.....but my sister and I loved it. It was a movie that made me really happy~ It's so sweet...it doesn't have to be complex. I liked it <3

Afterwards I got to talk to my best friend who I hadn't talked to in a few days....so that made me really happy <3<3<3 Yesterday I had an appointment at the doctor...for a yearly checkup. My mom is super picky about it..so we went after delaying it for so long. I am really scared of blood tests because I am stupid so I had been complaining the whole day. It was a new doctor, so weren't sure how it would be...but he was really nice and funny. He checked my sister and I together in the same room. He checked my sister's teeth and found no fillings and he was really surprised and then asked her about any problems she has had...and she said she feels light headed and all that stuff..she is anemic. He had this paper where he would write any problems, and my sister only had a few things listed and he was really happy about that because she is healthy. Then it was my turn and he asks me if there is anything that bothers me..and I said no, not really. He checks my teeth, and is surprised that we both have no fillings...suggests to me that I should be a jet pilot (I wish!!!!!) because they can't have fillings or something... He checks my weight and height and sits me down again and says, "Your paper is blank...come on...tell me something that is wrong with you!! If I have patients like you, I'll go bankrupt!" and I start laughing and I tell him "I'm wearing contacts?" and he goes "Yeah! Your eyes are not perfect...there we go! Anything else??"  But the BEST part was....when he starts talking about "you guys can take a blood test downstairs..."  my sister looks at him and tells him I'm scared ;_____; and he pats my head and I take my brown bag and take out my Yoshi plush to show him. I brought Yoshi with me to help me ;_____;.....he said that I was healthy and he wasn't gonna make me get a test, but I will next week.....I wanna know everything is working 100%~

Last thing! The me on the left is what I wore a few days ago....and the me on the right is me yesterday. OKAY OKAY...the bags I'm carrying are my mom's......she had them hidden in her closet...The one of the left is a old Gucci purse and the one on the right is an even older Chanel. I got mad at her (not really) and told her to use them! Not leave them in there forever!