25 is the greatest number

Yayyy today is finally over. I had a stressful week but it went well. Next week will be even more stressful, but I can handle it! I thought I'd post a bunch of photos from the past couple of weeks. I've been doing  a lot of different things. I went to three concerts in one week (Moonsorrow, Iztakh Perlman, & Roxette), working frantically on studio, turned 25 years old, and made some new friends. It's been crazy, but fun <3

Roxette <3

My studio friends took me out for sushi after studio on my birthday. The car parked next to us had this written on it~ Coincidence!!!!

Dos Equis man creeping forever.

I placed him like this today so whenever someone enters our studio, they are greeted by mr. creeper. A guy in my studio stole him from some bar. He is a great addition to our studio.

Moonsorrow at the Whiskey! They were awesome!!!

Making site models + concepts

We had a review yesterday. Long day.

Inside joke.

Green tea ice cream with Jasmine tea in Little Tokyo~

My bro and I. We always end up matching somehow without speaking to each other about what we are gonna wear. Yesterday was 'stripes day'!

Been re-reading and catching up with Naruto. It is so good.

This is a funny story. On my birthday (09/25/2012) I was filling out a form for school. I wrote the date, signed the paper, and turned it in. The lady I gave it to came back out with the same paper and pointed to the date that I had written. I looked at it and said "yeah...seems correct to me". She looked up at me and pointed to the date again. I looked down and read it out loud "09/25/198......1987??". I had written my birth year instead of 2012. She started laughing and I was just amazed that I hadn't realized what I'd done. Automatic reaction to writing the numbers 09/25 is 1987 in my head ~

Amazing hair.

OKAY gotta go to school and work~

It's that time again

Summer is over. My final year of architecture school begins tomorrow. It's strange looking back to this insane ride that I've been on for the past four years. I remember my first day. I remember writing a post about how sad I felt and how scared I was. I feel nervous right now as I'm typing this. I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of that nervous feeling that you get right before something important is supposed to happen. Even though I still feel nervous, I've grown a lot from that first day. I've endured stress and panic, fear of the future, family troubles, and heartache. I've lost time spent with loved ones, relationships, friendships, and sleep. But I've gained a lot in the process. I've experienced sadness, happiness, and the feeling of accomplishment. I've traveled and I've made new friends. Even though it hasn't been a smooth ride I'm glad that I'm still here for it and will get to finish it no matter what happens later on.

I want to cherish all the good things that happened this summer. This photo is from one of the happiest days of my summer. We all went out for my sister's birthday. My mom was feeling much better than she usually does. I wish she could always be happy as she was that day. I hope that two semesters from now, when I graduate, she'll be okay~

I can do it <3

Tiny Writing

My 3 x 5 card for yesterday's Structures final. I think I did well.

Right now I'm doing load calculations for a three story building. I have designed 8 beams of the roof framing so far....8 more to go for today. Yay.

My bookshelf cat.


I just have my structures project left and then I'm free until school starts again. I'll have time to catch up on my drawings and doing whatever I please. It shall be great. But till then, back to work!

When you are obsessed with something

I'm in the process of recovering from wisdom teeth surgery. Been kind of out of it but been forced to snap back to reality due to a final exam which is tomorrow. It is difficult to stay focused when the heat is forcing your eyelids to close. I can do it though. My current re-obsession: Breaking Bad. Greatest show ever ever ever. Only 15 episodes left and then it's all over. ;___; no. Usually, when I get obsessed with something, I have to draw it so I can get it out of my system. It's not working.