One more week of hard work. It's a lot but not impossible.

I apologize for vanishing. I've been extremely busy with school. Studio final is exactly a week away and I am very stressed out. I'm in studio right now (above photo was just taken for proof!) and it's deathly quiet in here. Everyone is out except for my friend who sits across from me. I haven't seen my parents properly in weeks. I miss them very much. I rarely see my sister. My grandmother is staying at our house for two weeks...a week has passed already and I'm not gonna see her this following week either. It's been difficult dealing with family stuff and school at the same time, but I've taken comfort in coming to studio. I spend a lot of time here...way too much time. I'm constantly working on studio. I'm missing out on my social life, but I don't care anymore. I'm kind of over it. People will either be there or not when I'm done with this. I can't let my feelings hold me back. I'll meet new people and be happy and I already have. Everyone in my studio is so wonderful. We spend days together working hard without days of sleep, but we joke around and eat together. It's truly a great feeling. I'm sad this semester is coming to an end. I don't know what I'm gonna do this summer without everyone.

Since I've been working so much, I try to snap photos here and there of small moments in my life because it's easier than writing, so here are a few photos taken from my Instagram~

My Koko and I early in the morning. I know Koko isn't a real being (DUHHH) but every morning before I leave, I kiss him goodbye and say "see you soon" even though I'll come back the next day. And whenever I happen to go to bed I kiss him and say "good night Koko". It's comforting. He's my bro.

Last week we had to print for building plan checks and the plotters were acting up like always. Out of frustration, I began drawing these horses on a whiteboard.

This is one of the laser cutters at my school. I hate laser cutters because I don't trust it. I never anticipate things to go right with this thing.

This was my desk on either Monday or Tuesday night....I really can't remember. I was working on my final for my Systems Integration class which was this past Wednesday. It went very well.

This is my Systems model. It's not complete yet in this photo.

My old shoes. I was trying to count how many years I've had these shoes. I think I got them in 2006. I went camping with them in 2008 and they got really beat up and I was gonna throw them away. But then I started wearing them again...can't part with them.

And old version of my one of my floor plans. I'm so sick of looking at it.

I woke up at 9:30 am on Tuesday, went to school, had studio, worked on my Systems Integration final till Wednesday morning. My friend lives far away so she slept over at my house. We got to my house at 8:30 am...slept till 10:00 am, got up and went to present our finals. I felt dead inside that entire day. I knocked out on my desk for two hours, tried to work a little bit before I called my dad to pick me up cause I was too tired to walk home. I ate something and then knocked out. I say "knocked out" a lot. Good.

Last weekend I was in studio and my friends and I were streaming Coachella while working. My cousin is at Coachella right now. ;_____;

My other bro.

A photo before falling asleep in studio.

I spoke to my professor today about my project and afterward I felt so stressed out because I realized just how much work there is to do till Friday. I stepped outside and tried to call several people just to talk to someone, but nobody was picking up. All of a sudden I got a text from a friend in studio and it cheered me up so much that I went skipped back inside and started working again~ MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME.

OKAY BACK TO WORK. It's 12:30 am. My plan is to leave at 3 am! LET'S DO THIS!

Jupiter & Venus

Spring break is over and I'm back to school again~ This week has been pretty chill so far and probably will continue to be but I'm going to start working really hard on my project this week! No relaxing!

My friend and I went to Ikea today instead of going to studio.....horrible. But we needed a break. We each bought a chocolate bunny and ate ice cream~

Last week I was baby sitting my friend's dog <3 These two photos are from Saturday. I took him for a walk around my school. I miss him ;______; Nobody to jump on me when I get home~


Father - daughter convo.

Jupiter (left) and lovely Venus (right). Love looking up and seeing them <3

Have a wonderful week everyone <3

Revisiting Through Photographs

I'm sitting in studio editing photographs from India and Dubai for an exhibition and I thought I'd share some. The exhibition is gonna be held on the 26th of March so I'll have time to edit all the work I have during spring break which has just started!!!!!! Yay~

My midterm for studio was on Tuesday. I hadn't slept in almost three days....It was painful, but being in studio with everyone else was still fun. This semester, studio doesn't seem like a burden. I enjoy being here. Whenever I'm upset, I just walk to school and do my work in peace~ There is also always someone here from my class that I can talk to. <3

Okay! Gotta pack my stuff now! I'm gonna go eat and drink German sausages and beer at Wurstkuche with some friends <3 I hope you all have a wonderful weekend~

Kite Flying in Gujarat

I'm on my feet again~ I went to school on Friday and I've been playing catch up ever since. My body is completely messed up's so sad. After my fall, my neck has been hurting and I have a hard time turning my head. I've been doing twenty minute stretching exercises every day, but once I get my health back I'm going to start running like I used to. Slowly, slowly getting there~ So I have millions of photos/videos from India and I am kind of overwhelmed by the amount. I want to post everything but I think it will happen over time because school has top priority and it takes time to go through everything ~ So this is my first batch of photos!

Ahmedabad has several festivals throughout the year. While we were there, we got to participate in their kite festival which is on the 14th of January. It was an amazing experience. The whole week before the festival, the city was getting ready. Everywhere we would see people  dyeing string in street corners. They dye them either a hot pink color or yellow so that it is easier to see when the kite is flying in the sky.

On the main day the entire sky was filled with kites. The ENTIRE sky. It's hard to explain, but everywhere you looked there were trees, on the street, in random corners....everywhere. It was awesome. People go up to high places...usually their rooftops and fly their kites. The majority coat their kite string or manja with powdered glass so they can take down other people's kites so we had to be careful not to get caught in a kite battle otherwise we could get hurt. I linked a wikipedia article which goes more into detail about that ~

One of the students in our group has family that lives in Gujarat and her uncle's had invited us to their home for the festival. We had a bunch of kites with us that we had bought and they had a bunch too. We climbed up to their rooftop and her cousins taught us how to fly. I wasn't that good the first time ;_____; but they told me I was learning fast yayyyy ~

Kites waiting to be flown!

Kites in the sky ~ The picture doesn't show the kites so well ;____; was really difficult to photograph.

Me super happy to fly a kite~

The kite flying lasted all the way till the sun went down. When the darkness fell, the fireworks and floating lanterns started filling the sky! I also have to mention that during this entire day, music was blasting from everyone's much music and was amazing~ Some people were dancing on their was so cute ~

I made some "bracelets" from the extra manja ~ It stained my of now, there is barely any color left ~

We went to a pastry shop the last day in Ahmedabad because I wanted to bring some sweets back to my family. The entire store was covered with baby kites~ Everywhere we walked, we would see kites ~ I love how the entire city embraces and participates in the festivals~

The guy on the left gave me this kites from the wall~ It now sits on my desk at home ~

Hope you guys are all well <3