HI GUYS!!!!!!!!!! OMG FINALLY I'M ONLINE! It's been a crazy week so far, but I am have arrived safely to India! We have been traveling around like nomads this past week and there has been no wifi/internet anywhere. I'm currently in Chandigarh and our hotel lets us use the internet for 100 rupees an hour (around 2 bucks). I have to wake up super early tomorrow, but I wanted to buy some Skype credits and just let people know that I'm alive first. I haven't spoken to my parents yet. I've tried sending emails, but nothing goes through. I just want to let them know I'm safe. I miss them hahaha <3

Flying to Dubai was hard on my body. Biggest highlights were flying over Sweden (even though it was dark outside) and flying over Armenia. I couldn't believe I was flying above my old hometown...it's the closest I've been to Hallsberg since I moved away. Flying over Armenia was very emotional for me. Looking out of my window, I could see Ararat. It was surreal.

Dubai was really unexpected. We were there for only 12 hours, but we walked around a lot. Checked out the older parts of Dubai and ended in the new city. We ate right outside of the Burj Khalifa and then rushed to the metro to get to the airport to catch out flight to Ahmedabad. The flight to Delhi was shaky and weird but I knocked out and didn't realize when we had arrived.

Me at Dubai Airport! At this point we had been awake for 24 hours!!!

At a cafe in Dubai....I don't even know.

Mint lemonade! So good <3

I loved the older parts of Dubai. So many small shops everywhere.

Inside the metro...trying to find our way around.

The Burj. This thing is so difficult to photograph. It is so tall that it doesn't fit!

Metro in Dubai!

We got to Delhi Wednesday morning. Thursday morning we woke up early and drove to the northern city of Chandigarh (where I currently am typing this!). Uploading photos is going to be difficult as I'm not typing this on my own computer. I really hope that when we get back to Ahmedabad next week, that we'll have a more steady connection. It's been very frustrating.


Mosque in Delhi~

Inside a tower at the m osque!

I hope you're all doing well! If I'm not able to post before 2012 arrives, I'm gonna a wish you a happy new year now! HAPPY NEW YEARRRRRRRRRR~ <3

Talk to you soon, I hope <3

Arcade Fun & Packing

So it's my last week here before I head off to India. There is so much still to be done and I don't want to do anything. I just want to be with my family. I'm flying early in the morning on the 26th. I'll get to spend Christmas with my relatives. I love being with my family on New Years so I'll miss them ;_____; I'll also miss Armenian "Christmas" which is on the 7th of January. My mom said we'd celebrate it again when I come back <3 I was sick all of last week which was such a waste. I'm not gonna have a break until summer 2012...because starting on Monday, my studio is technically beginning. The Tuesday following the Monday that I come back, I have to go to school. NOOOOOOO ;_____; I'm gonna be so jet lagged. Not fair.

I have most of the things that I need for my trip. I wanted to get some basics for layering, but I don't know if I'll have time. Thursday will be the last day I go shopping for the trip. I'm gonna try to pack most of my luggage back tomorrow so I know what I need to buy on Thursday. I'm really bad at packing~

On Saturday, I was still a little sick, but my friends convinced me to go with them to an arcade called Round 1. I hadn't been to an arcade in a very long time and for some reason I felt a little sad. I'm not sure why. The moment we walked in, I wanted to go home. They had great games though and the toys they had were a lot better than other arcades. Lot's of Rilakkumas everywhere!!! We played the Deal or No Deal game and won A LOT of tickets. My friend won over 250 tickets in one game and I won 170 tickets~ They toys were way too expensive, unfortunately. One Rilakkuma stuffed animal was 5000 tickets and I only had 380. But they were cute to look at~

After playing the ticket games, we decided to play some ping pong. I didn't play a lot because I was still sick ;______;

My new shoes!

Experimenting with my new camera~

This was me last week with my crocodile. <3 I wish I could take him with me to India. I'm gonna miss him so much.

My new luggage bag and my shoes (I added them for scale)~

And a random photo of my breakfast today <3

BTW!! This is my first post from my Macbook Pro~ It is really beautiful, but I'm still not used to it. I miss my PC. I don't think I'll ever be a true Mac person - I love PCs too much even though they give me a lot of problems hahaha~

I'm gonna try to post at least once more before I leave~ I'm going to be taking this computer with me to India so I will post from there!

I hope you're all happy and healthy <3 Take care~

Preparing for India

So many things to do before my trip, but right now I am stuck in my bed because I am sick. I finished my last Typhoid pill yesterday morning, and ever since I took it, I've been feeling like crap. There were four pills in total and every pill made me feel worse. After taking the third pill, I had bad stomach cramps and I felt like throwing up. Yesterday I had intense stomach cramps and I did throw up, plus I got a sore throat. Today I have a light fever and I've been throwing up. I can't speak because it hurts my throat.....I FEEL SO WONDERFUL~

I only have two weeks before I leave, so I've been planing things that need to be done. I still have to finish my competition boards for studio....I have to submit on the 15th. A little stressed out, but ehhhh whatever. I need to:

  • buy an adapter for my electronics
  • buy a good luggage bag that is small
  • figure out the best clothes to take with me
  • i can't think of anything right now cause my head hurts....to be continued

Good news! I purchased my Lumix GF2 last week and should be getting it tomorrow by the end of the day. I am so excited to test it out! And, second piece of good news: I purchased my Macbook Pro, FINALLY!!! I was so nervous since I've never owned a Mac plus the thing costs so much, I was nervous placing the order too! When it arrives, I'll have two days to get used to it and then it's off to India. I need to install all the programs onto it before hand~

I've had such a boring day today. I woke up and drank tea. I watched the last few episodes of The Office that I had missed due to school. I watched random youtube videos. I tried to read A Game of Thrones that my friend has let me borrow, but I couldn't. I drank some more tea. I read about Typhoid fever. I tried to fix the lights on the Christmas Tree, but I felt worse so I went and drank some more tea and went back to bed.

It's now 2:16 am and I can't fall asleep, so my sister and I are watching Seinfeld in my room. I hope I knock out soon <3

PS. I begun writing this post earlier today but then when I updated Wordpress, I kept getting fatal errors so I couldn't do anything. My hosting company helped me out in no time <3 So here I am~

Post Studio Final Update

This is me in the living room after staying up all night working on studio. Last week was draining and I'm glad that studio finals are over.

My friends came over to my house and we worked and worked and worked and ate and worked and worked and worked... One of them had a final on Wednesday and I didn't want her to drive all the way back home, so I made her sleep over. We slept in the living room (which explains the first two photos of me).

So let me explain what is going on over here. This is the computer I've been using. It couldn't handle all the programs that I had open...it would heat up and turn off while I was working, so I had to keep it cool, constantly. What you see on the keyboard is a bag of ice and below is a huge stick of frozen butter. Yes. A winning combination.

This is piece of candy that we dubbed Crystal "Meth" Light. It gave us sugar rushes which we so desperately needed to stay up.

My sister made us food.

We had to make a quick stop in studio so I could help my friend built her model and we happened upon this cute dog. Some guy brought his 3 week old husky to studio! Three weeks old! She was so small and I was obviously distracted. I tried my best to not pay any attention to her...but it was difficult.

Friday was our final review! My worked pinned up!

The reviewers reviewing!

Saturday night, I was working on my last final which is due this coming Friday. My friend called me up and said that he wanted to go eat, so I went with him. We drove to West Hollywood and tried to look for a good place to eat. I found this funny Armenian market.

After checking out several places, we decided to eat at Urth Cafe which was a really cozy and packed place. I had this heart shaped panini <3 While we were eating, we saw Joe Jonas. At one moment, he looked and smiled it me. It was very awkward.

And finally, a photo of what I made today. I have eaten so much garlic today that my blood pressure has gone down and now I feel the need to lie down and rest my head ~

I hope you are having a wonderful week~ Even though my studio final is over, I am still super busy! Preparing for India!

PS!!!!!! I filmed this in West Hollywood. It's lame but I find it extremely hilarious.