I could NOT be happier. Not only was yesterday's lecture a dream come true....but today's midterm review was OWNED by us. The few weeks leading up to this review were annoying because we felt that none of the professors were understanding how we were coming up with out ideas, our form, are program, etc. It was really frustrating, because we would work hard and receive nothing back. Last week, I was sitting in my Environmental Systems class and I got an email from LACMA saying that Bjarke Ingels was having a lecture on the 3rd (yesterday) so I told my group that we HAD to finish everything by 5pm on that day so we could go to the lecture. It was hard, but we pushed the entire weekend and week until yesterday at five. We had pinned everything up for the review before we left, so today we just had to get to school at 1 pm and wait for our turn to present. We ended up being the last group to present...at 5:45pm. We were so tired of standing the entire time. Throughout the presentations, we tried to crack each other up to break the nervousness. We laughed a lot~ Finally it was our turn and I started by introducing our group and the idea for our project...I explained the diagrams and showed various things on the model we had made. Then my friends continued explaining and then we started getting questions from the reviewers. They really really liked our proposal and said it was strong! At one point, two of the reviewers said that they didn't like where we had put the housing.....my group and I were confused so we didn't say anything, but then our professor stepped in and corrected them and said we had put it in the right spot and then they all went "well....then that's settled...everything seems really good now". We were trying HARD not to smile throughout the presentation. One of the reviewers called our project very realistic and elegant! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~ Afterward, our teacher smiled at us and got up and shook our hands. We were kind of pissed at him cause during our previous reviews, he had kept telling us that our forms were random and not clear....but today he finally understood what we were trying to do. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ Since we were the last group....our section met up after our presentation and our professor said that we had all done a great job and that he might email us next week for more assignments, but he was gonna let us rest a little bit for our Spring Break. After that, my group and I were jumping around from joy~ We pinned all of our stuff down, cleaned our desks and skipped to our cars to go home~ GREATEST SPRING BREAK BEGINNING EVERRRR. When I look back at a year ago.....the first day of Spring Break was the worse day of my life, but a year later....it is one of my most proudest days. Hopefully I will have many more of these happy ones in the future <3

Here are some images from our boards....I apologize for the crappy quality....these drawings look really nice in person...I had to squish them to fit them here ;____;:



So many things have changed

Ahh so many things have changed from the last post I made. School is taking over my life and I don't get to spend time with people I love. I will be done with this semester in May. I know it's not that far away, but what upsets me is that for some reason, I am not looking forward to anything. Nothing is sparking any feelings in me at the moment. I just feel depressed. I dunno if it is the weather or school or whatever - I just want to sleep. My uncle from NY was over this past week to visit his family and he spent the weekend with us (he is my aunt's husband). He is such a cool person...is very loving and fun. I tried my best to hang out...But I would always have to go to my room and do hw. It sucked. I managed to play two games of chess with him...which I lost. I owe him dinner. But cause of school, I couldn't take him out. Maybe next year or something....he is flying back to NY tomorrow morning~

This coming Friday is my midterm for my studio class. Then I have spring break for a week. I will do the finishing touches on my portfolio then....and probably just stay at home cause I have nothing planned. Eh. I am just so uninspiring at the moment that it's depressing me.

Wish me luck for tomorrow....lots of labor ahead~

I Love My Moussy

UGHGHGUGHGUGHGUGHGG. Really stupid day. Having to deal with lazy group mates is the worst thing ever. I am always very nice and understanding, but when people walk all over me, I switch into "pissed of lolo mood".  I have a Modern Arts presentation tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon with my group which consists of two other people not including me. One is a girl and the other is a guy. From the start, it was very clear that me and the girl were doing all the work. We both had other priorities, so we decided to split the research and just email the guy all the info so he could make the power point. He didn't reply to any of my messages over the weekend and was being very flaky. Sunday night I texted him saying to meet me the next day at noon so we could put the crap together, but he replied saying he was at the ER........

So I told the girl to email me her stuff and I put together the power point on my own. Today I emailed him the power point so he could add some video to it. He texts me saying "what should I do??".....I was annoyed already so I just said "Make a separate slide and put it on there. You were supposed to do the reading as well, so figure it out". He replied back saying that I should speak nicely to him. "Remember I'm not you bf...". I was so pissed off at the point that I just told him to do what he was supposed to do and talk to someone else if he had a problem cause he had crossed the line with me. He continued to write BS and I asked him to stop messaging me. He then wrote something immature and I never replied. A few hours later, he texted me saying "Hey if you like to act like a kid...I'm ok...but don't be surprise if you see something else on power point". So I just emailed the professor saying that I didn't know how to deal with this guy. I get so offended when people think they can use me and get away with it. I hope everything goes well tomorrow. Besides that...school has been stressful but it hasn't been all bad. I am doing great with my other group. We are very close with each other and enjoy working together.

Yesterday I ate sushi with my best friend <3 and today we ate at IKEA after I came home from studio. We were hanging around the kids section and I found a little moose <3 I didn't want to leave it there so I bought it (LAME I KNOW ;_______; BUT I COULDN'T LEAVE THE POOR THING THERE ALONE WITHOUT HIS FAMILY).

I named him Mousse...or Moussy <3 He is super cute and sits with me while I do homework <3

The last two photos are of my partners (on the right and left of the photo) and our work on the floor......they are awesome~

Time for me to sleep....long day ahead....I might have to kick this guy's ass hahaha~ Wish me luck <3


Wednesday - I got sick ;_______;

Thursday I was at the computer lab....took dayquil at 1 pm...

.....and seven hours later I took the nyquil...still at the lab ;____;

I got sick last week for no reason. I just woke up and my nose was running and my throat was sore. It came at a horrible time. I had a final for our second project in studio on Friday and I was up the whole week working on it...when I got sick, everything slowed down, but I still had to get everything done. It was torturous, but it is over for now. I am also getting better, so all is well~

I have been extremely busy with school. I am at school from 9 am till midnight most days. I go from class to the computer labs and take breaks only to eat. It gets really annoying because I don't get to see my parents. I hadn't seen my sister in two weeks almost, but she just came home cause she has a fever. Everyone is getting sick.

I am sitting in my room with the tv on (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) trying to finish my History of Modern Art paper that is due tomorrow night. The paper writing is going very well (for once...). Gonna make some ginger tea and then continue with homework~

I hope you are all healthy and happy <3