My week in photos

I haven't had much free time because of school. It has been a busy week...everything is going on at once...getting a little overwhelming. I am so happy that I have a good friend at school that I can joke around with and get along with. There are many people in my studio who are upset with their partners and if you asked me a year ago, I would have guessed that I'd be in their shoes now - but I'm not and it is really nice. My studio team consists of my friend, my cross cousin, and I. We joke around a lot which makes things bearable. The jerk teacher I mentioned before has been an even bigger jerk. I really don't get what the point is of wanting to be hated. I mean...I'm sure he would love to be liked, but the way he goes about things...everyone just gets annoyed by him. I'm usually very quiet in school and don't speak out but I called him a douche bag on Friday (I yelled it out) because he made fun of a guy in the auditorium in front of everyone. I didn't think it was funny. He isn't funny, but he tries hard to be by making fun of others. I don't like people like that.

Other than that...I have had some problems with my left eye. The day before my mom came home from the hospital, my eye got super red. I washed it with tea and wore my glasses, but it wouldn't go away. Last week I tried to make an appointment with my doctor, but he was busy. I have been having a light and constant fever, and my left lymph node has been swollen, so it I'm sure it is an infection. The redness is almost completely gone now, but I'm scared of wearing contacts. For 2 and 1/2 weeks, I have been wearing glasses....I don't like wearing glasses....bluuuuuu bluuu..hurry up and get well soon, eye <3

What else......I am always taking photos with my phone, so I'll just post some here. WARNING....LOTS OF PHOTOS AHEAD:

New mascara - haven't tried it yet cause of my eye.

The door to my studio - code is 7741 (come visit!!)

My friend's desk

I loved this movie

Split a fortune cookie with a person from my class

Barnes&Noble with my best friend <3

breakfast while watching that movie with Julia Roberts where she keeps running away...

My desk in studio

My friend and I over the weekend trying to build our site model. It is heavy.

Messing around early in the morning in the Mac lab.

Lunch today

Monday's lecture

My studio desk again...

My friend made this with her phone.

TIME FOR ME TO SLEEP <3 Have a good week, everyone~ I hope I get to update soon again <3

It's Been a Crazy Week

Last Tuesday....I was sitting infront of the computer after a long day of cleaning the house. People were gonna come over the next day. Everything was calm. Then Wednesday came....relatives came over for Armenian Christmas (Epiphany) and then they left past midnight. Thursday morning the craziness began with rushing my mom to the hospital and then staying there until Sunday. Monday I started my first day of the spring semester. I am now in 3B. I have to classes on Mondays and Wednesdays....Environmental Studies and History of Modern Art. My Environtmental Studies proffessor is a super sweet Chinese man. He is so cute. He is an engineer and he has promised us to make us like engineers....apparently architects and engineers have hateful relationships (??) so he wants to change our minds. I have never felt that way towards engineers and I hope I never will~ My Modern Art proffessor is sooooo over the top. He is gay and not afraid to show it which I love. He is super excitedness and always makes hilarious comments. He is really funny and curses A LOT but he says he only does that to keep us awake. Most important, however, is that he is very understanding~ Both professors are~

Tuedays and Fridays I have Studio 3B. According to EVERYONE it's the hardest studio...just cause there is a lot of pressure to do well because it is the midpoint of your schooling. We have portfolios to turn in at the end of the year and it will decide if we can continue studying architecture. I am nervous but I'm prepared to work hard. I have a normal instructor...and by that I mean...he is someone who doesn't have a complex. He is just normal...expects work but is understanding. One of the professors teaching this studio is someone I had in my first year. I hate him so much. Not because he assigned a shit load of homework...but because he constantly would throw out bullshit and make everyone scared. A teacher is supposed to be someone who you can go to and talk to...someone who understands what you are going through and leaves a positive imprint on you. This guy is just a jerk. I don't appreciate people like that. I got the only A in our class in first year and he made me feel as if he was doing me a favor giving me that grade. ASSHOLE. I DESERVED IT.

ANYWAY. For some reason I have been feeling down these past few days. I have tried to force myself to be happy but it's not going too well. My dad says it's cause of all the crap that happened this past week and that my body is finally calming down....I don't know. We'll see. Here are a few cellphone photos I took this week:

Recieved this Togepi as a gift.

Waiting in the ER

My dad, sister, and I outside of my mom's room

an 'abstract' photo of my dad hahaha

I sketched that ended up looking like Mamoru...

Played chess with my friend at a Carls Jr.

My friend from school and I texting

 Making soup for my parents <3

I hope you all are doing well <3


I am officially on my winter break. Feels great~ I have no plans for tonight! I was supposed to go out and eat cake, but I think I'm gonna run on the treadmill instead~ I need to gain my strength back anyway! I was looking at the resort 2011 looks paper......meh meh...AND I have to say that my favorite was Christopher Kane's stuff!!!! I have always wanted a Christopher Kane piece....but now I want one more than ever!! EVERYTHING is so beautiful~

photos from

These are my favorites from the collection....the colors are so beautiful~ I love them all.....EVEN if I could pick one, I wouldn't be able to <3

OKAY! GONNA RUN <3 Have a wonderful weekend~

Finished Product

A week ago today I was stressing out...I was burnt out. It's so weird how I am so relaxed now! I'm sure it gets old reading me saying this, but in my head...Tuesdays and Fridays are blocked out...those are studio days...and Mondays and Thursdays are also blocked off cause those are the days I mostly work for studio. Now that all those slots are open...I really don't know what to do with myself. It's the greatest feeling. I have a paper due on Friday, so I have been reading a bit to gather more information. I'm gonna try to finish it today so I can fully go into vacation mode. I still need to go back to school and pick up all my stuff from my studio desk. I'll probably get to that over the weekend.

So I never showed what my finished model looks like...I need to bring it home and document it properly but for now:

This was my first time working with acrylic. I got everything laser cut and then I glued everything together with some gross glue. It was nerve racking to glue these things for me cause I wanted everything to be perfect...which obviously didn't happen. If you look at the second photo...the first frame from the right is the first frame I glued together. It looks less even....after that one I got better~ I don't mind that it looks bad since it was a learning process~ I really like acrylics and I would pick to work with it more if it wasn't so expensive and if the laser cutter lab at our school functioned better and would stick to the schedules they make. UGHHHH THAT'S ANOTHER STORY.

Yesterday I was reading for my paper...when my friend called. He said he was at our school and was wondering if I'd want to hang out. So he picked me up (I has no car ;____;) and we went to the downtown Burbank area which is near the mall and all the restaurants, etc. We went to Urban Outfitters and looked at the cameras, then we both got hungry, so we walked to a Thai restaurant that is next to UO. It's called Chadaka Thai and it's my favorite Thai restaurant. We go there a little too much....but it's okay~

Me in one of the fake IKEA bathrooms. I got my nail polish from Leanne~!!

Looks like a grenade! I like it <3

My friend is an architecture student as well....He graduated already though ;____; And he has been applying for jobs in a bunch of SF! We go to IKEA for fun and pretend that those little rooms they have made are ours...and we imagine how our own apartments would look like. So yesterday we went to IKEA and walked around....sat on a lot of couches to find the best one that he should get if he happens to move up north. Then we went to the food store and I got ice cream and stocked up on Christmas stuff <3