a fourth

I'm sitting in my bed (at my house) watching tv and playing tetris on facebook. I went to bed an hour ago...I was watching a movie, trying to go to sleep. But now I can't. So I got my laptop from my desk. My room is really cold right now, so I am appreciating the heat my laptop gives off. Today I was home the whole day. I played the piano and, when my parents went out, I put up the Christmas tree to surprise them.

I had my studio final on Thursday. I hadn't had any sleep last week....it's so weird that it's over now. All the stress is gone. I am still very tired. I have a theory paper that is due at the end of this week, so I'm gonna try to get myself to a library somehow. I don't have a car, so it gets a little difficult. It's hard cause I depend on people to give me rides, but I don't want to be in the way, so I'm gonna stop with that.

It is really strange to not have studio. I feel so happy and free. I just want to hang out and do as much as I can, but everyone is studying for their finals so I will have to wait.

I was gonna post photos of my new shoes, but I don't have them all with me so I couldn't take pictures of them, but I have photos from my phone of one out of four pairs~

They are fairly comfortable shoes. Not something I can wear everyday. I doubt I will ever get 100% comfortable walking with heals, but I try~

UGHHHHH I wish I was sleepy.



The first floor of the gallery. Students hanging around...on the left, my professor and another are reviewing a student. The far back is the gallery displaying the work of one of my professor's firm. The photos below show some of his work.

My professor in the middle and another professor, sitting, are reviewing~

Another professor (right) reviewing.

Yesterday we had a "pre-final pin up" of our work. Our final is a week from tomorrow. My university has a small gallery in Hollywood that we went to. We were there for a few hours....but it wasn't so bad. Things were very casual...especially the critiques. I just talked to my professor privately as 90 students were talking loudly around us. I have SO much to do. I haven't slept in two days. Tomorrow...well today is Thanksgiving, but I will be home writing a draft for my theory paper which is due on Friday. I am stressed, but I am not THAT panicked, which worries me hahaha~

I can't wait till I'm done with the paper! I am not a very good writer...but this time I am not very confident about my thesis, so I'm dreading it even more~ Friday I have an engagement to go to....still need to find a dress.

Saturday is my mom's birthday. My sister and I have been planing a surprise for her...well she kind of knows already, but I told her not to tell my dad that she knows~ She is the type that likes to know in advance cause it makes her happy when she thinks about it, so I wanted her to be happy~

I just got an email from my professor that he sent to the entire section. He numbered the main points and wrote about what we need to do. This is the last point:

5. BREATH Take a break (a small one) for Thanksgiving.  Have some turkey.  This will be a long week and you dont want to burn out on the first day.  Pace yourself.

OKAY! OHH I bought....FOUR PAIRS OF SHOES TODAY(at very good prices...don't be mad at me ;___;). I will show photos soon~ OHHH..and my dad bought a new camera...RANDOM. OKAY time for the draft~


HAHAHAHA...i am so lame

....I SUCK AT AUTOCAD. But it's okay. I try hard~ I have been working since early in the morning...gonna take a shower at 9:00 and then work some more until my friends pick me up at 11:30 so we can go watch...HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!! We purchased tickets to the midnight screening at the Archlight a month ago hahaha (SUPER PREPARED!)~ We have awesome seats <3

Donuts from yesterday~ <3 OKAY BACK TO WORK!!

I'm So Lonely In My Room

I've been locked up in my room since 11 am...working away. I have watched some stupid movie that I don't know the name of...but it's one of those lame college movies...Dumb and Dumber, another lame movie about prisoners playing football...Meet the Parents, and Meet the Fockers..TWICE. I am now watching Adult Swim....

This entire weekend I have had a really intense headache. I took a nap yesterday afternoon. I never take naps...but I was desperate to get rid of this thing, but it didn't help. My face hurts too...I don't know what it is...probably the weather...but it feels so dry...I feel dry inside and out. I just feel like a blob....I lifted some weights today cause my back hurts a lot again....I need to work the muscles...make the strong again.

I went to H&M with my sister on Saturday for a couple of hours. I found a dress and a sweater (i'll show better pics later~) I saw these amazing boots on a mannequin. OMG. There are so many boots out there, but I want these! I asked one of the workers if they sold those boots and he said that they were from three years ago....I took so many photos of them....;______;  After that...I came home and continued homework.

My room is so cold right now (I'm at my house house). BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. BACK TO STUDIO WORK!!~

Have a wonderful week everyone <3