Trying to get some work done

I'm sitting in a Starbucks with two of my closest friends. One of them is sitting across from me trying to write some programs for his programming class and the other is sitting on a couch behind me doing calculus. I am waiting for my slow computer to download a very important Rhino plug in so that I can view Google SketchUp models on my Rhino 4.0. It's taking so long. Today has been an extremely long day. I woke up early...ate..walked to school in the heat, and ran to the computer labs to print my work, only to find out that none of the printers work at the Miller lab. So I ran up to the architecture lab....none of the printers worked there either.....then I ran to the Design lab....same thing there. I was so pissed off. Luckily, I had printed most of my panels yesterday because I had a feeling something like this would happen. It's incredible...I pay SO much to go to school here....yet their labs are always messed up. It's so lame. ANYWAY.

My review went fairly well. I think I like my professor a LITTLE bit better now. We kind of talked today and I think that helped. I was reading the news on (a Swedish newspaper) and he saw my screen and he asked if it was Danish. I told him "Close...Swedish" and then he asked if I was Swedish. He told me that he had some Norwegian friends and that they could understand Swedish..etc etc....It was nice to not talk about school.

UGH....the download is at 67%...hurry up ;______;

Here are two random photos of me:

My Mr. Bean shirt <3


My studio desk!

New semester has started and I haven't written a post in a while. I'm still trying to get the feel of my classes so I know when I can have some free time and when I need to work. So far it has been very hectic, but it's been alright I must say. Kind of disappointed with studio at the moment because I am not clicking with my professor just yet...something is missing...don't know what. We had our first project presentation today...Didn't go as well as I thought it would...lots of work, stress, and a headache that won't leave me alone. I don't know if it's from school or the changing of the weather...we'll see~

Photos of my desk in studio...I took these photos with my phone at different times. The chair I use original chair got stolen. I have more things pinned up around my desk I'll try take another photo soon~ There was a review going on in the gallery space by my's fun to listen in when you don't have to sit there...but when you do have to sit's hell. My current wallpaper...I drew a picture of Morrissey during the summer. And behind the comp is a laser cut of an idea I had for studio that didn't go through...EH. And lastly...a photo of my foot...and also our door code for studio is 5518 (written in my moleskin) so if you guys ever want to drop know what to press to get in~

I'm gonna try to blog more regularly now! I hope you have all been good~ It's been a while, but it's great to be back <3


My school starts tomorrow....well today... ;___________; so sad. I'm nervous....I missed out on the last month of school cause I got I'm nervous to see people from my class. I'm not close to anybody, so there isn't anyone I'm looking forward to is such a drag and it hasn't even started yet. Tomorrow won't be a hard day...just an intro day for my Theory of Architecture class....but Tuesday....that's when I return back to I dread it so much. Back to having no life....

How have you guys been? I hope well~ I have been very busy this past week getting things prepared, so I have not updated here. I do update my tumblr very frequently, however~

Please wish me luck for my third year in architecture school!!!!!


THANK YOU EVERYONE for your good luck wishes. <3 It was a really successful review and I felt very content afterward! They liked what I had worked hard on...and they gave me suggestions that will help me become better~ This is a quick phone post! I am off to buy a canvas and some paint. I am finally free to begin my own projects and it feels amazing.

PS. I'll post photos soon <3