
This was me on Wednesday in the Arch was kind of cold. Today I was wearing shorts....I don't understand the weather here. Everyone is my family is sick cause of these rapid changes....ehh mehh. I am feeling all better now...The sides of my nose just hurts cause of constantly using tissues...but that's fine~ Everything is calmer at home at the moment. Let's me breathe a little. It's been a crazy week.

My sister and I found an apartment. It's pretty small, but it will be fine for us I'm sure. Move in date is October Friday. I have studio on Fridays (and a final on that particular Friday), so I will have to help out afterward. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully this move will be a positive thing.

Alright, I just came home from's 8:12 bluuu. I am hungry, so I'm gonna go eat~ Have a good weekend you guys <3

Trying to get some work done

I'm sitting in a Starbucks with two of my closest friends. One of them is sitting across from me trying to write some programs for his programming class and the other is sitting on a couch behind me doing calculus. I am waiting for my slow computer to download a very important Rhino plug in so that I can view Google SketchUp models on my Rhino 4.0. It's taking so long. Today has been an extremely long day. I woke up early...ate..walked to school in the heat, and ran to the computer labs to print my work, only to find out that none of the printers work at the Miller lab. So I ran up to the architecture lab....none of the printers worked there either.....then I ran to the Design lab....same thing there. I was so pissed off. Luckily, I had printed most of my panels yesterday because I had a feeling something like this would happen. It's incredible...I pay SO much to go to school here....yet their labs are always messed up. It's so lame. ANYWAY.

My review went fairly well. I think I like my professor a LITTLE bit better now. We kind of talked today and I think that helped. I was reading the news on (a Swedish newspaper) and he saw my screen and he asked if it was Danish. I told him "Close...Swedish" and then he asked if I was Swedish. He told me that he had some Norwegian friends and that they could understand Swedish..etc etc....It was nice to not talk about school.

UGH....the download is at 67%...hurry up ;______;

Here are two random photos of me:

My Mr. Bean shirt <3



I just came back from school~ I didn't have class today but last night I had been working on my studio work that's due tomorrow so I went and printed everything out so I don't stress out tomorrow. This is what I wore was chilly in the sun..but now the sun has come I got really hot. Today was the first time I wore a jacket in a looooong time~ yay <3 The super cute bag is a present that I got from Leanne...I used it a lot this summer and now I use it for school too~

I finished all my studio work last night because today I am going to an art walk in Downtown Los Angeles with my sister and my friend. I didn't want to go, but since I've been going through a lot lately, my sister said it would be a good idea for me to go~ So now I have to get ready!~

I hope you all are having a wonderful day <3


I went to the California Science Center with my family on Sunday. We wanted to go see the Mummy Exhibit. We was pretty expensive to get in...and there were a lot of people...a lot I hate kids so much. Especially ones that just cry and cry and run around and slam into me. I hate kids so much. I don't think I will ever have kids. ANYWAY. They basically ruined the experience. The mummies looked amazing though! Afterwards...since we were kind of rushed around the exhibit...we decided to watch Hubble 3D which is a documentary narrated by Leo DiCaprio about the Hubble Space Station. OMGGGGGGGGG. HIGHLIGHT OF MY SUMMER. It was so exciting. My eyes were tearing up the whole time. I love space so much...I get so emotional and crazy. It was really wonderful! Afterward, my dad and I were like "OMGOMGOMG THE LAUNCH WAS SO COOL! OMGGGGGGG ORIONS BELT!! OMGGGGGGGGGGGLDLVWINRBWIEhG". We love space. I'm gonna go see it again with a friend of mine this Saturday. We both love space.

I went to H&M with my sister the other day. I got two tops and these black pants. They are super comfortable~ I got the top I'm wearing as well<3 It looks really nice in just has this weird smell...I can't explain...this burnt smell hahaha~ So I'm gonna wash it and see what happens. I also got a leopard printed short sleeved top that is long in the back~ Didn't get to take a picture of it, but I'll post pictures later~

You can't really see it in this picture...but I'm wearing a.........MR. BEAN T-SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MR. BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

And I'll end this post with this picture I took at Costco.