you gonna show the world that something good can work and it can work for you

New shoesssssssssssssssss!!!!!! I'm so excited~ I went shoe shopping today with my mom. I haven't gone shopping with her in years. Like...four or five years. It was kind of fun~ Sometimes I would get pissed hahaha (I would be reminded to why I do not go shopping with her), but it didn't matter today. I wanted to take her out and just hang out..since we don't do that so much...she needed some fresh air...she had fun, and that is all that matters.

We both went shoe crazy. She bought two pairs...I got two pairs. She bought a really beautiful (super high ;__;) heel from Aldo and a really cute and simple wedge from Macy's. The one below is the one from Aldo.

I got the shoes in the top photos from Macy's. They were on sale~ I also ordered a pair from Aldo that were also on sale...they just didn't have a smaller size, so I had to order them. They will get to me in 3 to 5 days~ YAY!!!  EXCITED!!! They look like this:

Besides that...I just got a blood test done in the morning~ It was to see if I am doing well now that I don't have mono. The lady who takes the blood test is already used to my face. Today when I went in there with my dad she looked at us and goes "'s you again!". I still hate needles, but I have gotten used to them's pretty amazing.

OFF TO RUN NOW~ <3 Have a great day guys <3<3<3

Annual Jewelery Shopping

My new phone! It still doesn't have a name which is unusual. I always manage to name my things the first day I get them, but this one...I don't know. I have been feeling a little off, so maybe that's why.

It's a good phone...I's very beautiful. I still haven't gotten used to it. Kind of overwhelming actually. So many alerts and notifications...kind of intense. But I am happy with it.

I got this bracelet during this Armenian festival that takes place every 4th of July weekend. They have booths lined up at the festival selling all sorts of things...jewelery, books, music, movies, insurance, Armenian traditional a framed poster of the Armenian alphabet, etc etc. I always buy a piece of jewelery every year. Last year I got a ring...which I have lost. This year it was this bracelet~

I managed to fix the AC on my own. I FIXED IT!  I am proud of myself. I'm used to the heat now,'s not a big deal anymore hahaha.

I have a tumblr for anyone who is interested! I really love it...I have lots of folders on my computer filled with images I have collected over the years....My tumblr is like my online folder..if that makes any sense. LOVELOLO ~

I watched Micmacs last week with my friends at the Chinese Theater is Hollywood. I really liked it (I recommend it! By the guy who directed Amelie). I watched 2 Days in Paris a few days ago..and I really disliked it hahaha. I don't know why it pissed me off so was just annoying. I saw Inception on...Saturday I think. Yeah it was Saturday. It was long...and interesting. I am not crazy about it though. It was interesting..and that's it~ OKAY RANDOM MOVIE 'REVIEW' IS DONE~

Have a good day guys <3


OMG. I am dying from this heat. I love it so much, but I can't think anymore. Last night our AC decided to stop working so it has been hard keeping cool. I have been having trouble sleeping as well, but I doubt that's from the heat. So last week was my final. It went really well, so I'm happy. Now I am keeping myself busy doing all sorts of things. Went to the beach on Saturday, but it was so cold....So I just sat there on the sand with my oversized hoodie. It was fun though~ Yesterday I went to Hollywood and watched Micmacs. It was by the director of Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain. It was a fun movie~ I recommend it~ I have been drawing a little bit...trying to paint. I have been...just hanging out with friends <3 Oh's so hot...hahaha I can't think.

I've been wearing these clothes the most this summer...a variation of these pieces. Usually these jeans with different tops. It's so hot that I can't wear a lot of my stuff at the moment. I don't think I'll be able to continue wearing these pants today...need a long dress. The bag is a super cute tote that I got as a present from Leanne. I have been using it a lot this past month <3

OKAY. Gonna go draw now <3 I hope you are all doing well <3<3<3


I just got home from class. It started raining as I was walking to school, so my feet were soaked....for three hours I sat in class with wet feet ;_____; Now I'm trying to make my feet warm...wearing double socks...

I got this in the mail today! YAY~ I bought this Alexander McQueen skull scarf a week..or two weeks..ago~! I love it!! Can't wait to wear it more often~


I have been really busy with school and a bunch of other crap these past few days. I have around three weeks left of school, but the amount of work makes it seem an eternity away. I didn't have a car this weekend, so I wasn't able to buy cardboard...I still don't have a I will have to make a model with whatever materials I have at home....UGH. Anyway! I better go start cause this will take a while~

Have a great week you guys <3<3<3

OH! BTW I made a tumblr~ LOVELOLO ~~!!!