I have a midterm for studio on Tuesday. I needed to go and print some stuff for my model that I need to make and buy a book and materials. Unfortunately the bookstore was closed...useless...their hours are so weird. Anyway...I walked to school and went to the lab and did some work and then walked home. At home my dad was making Easter food~ My mom was helping him cut the green vegetables. I wanted to help them but I had homework...so I went to the backyard and started cutting the cardboard for my site model. At night we went to my aunts house and had dinner~ We had fun~ It wasn't the usual big family dinner since there is some drama going on between the aunts, but us 8 had a wonderful time with lots of laughter~

I am at home right now. I woke up really early (7!) and started doing homework. I am still a little sick...my nose is really red ;______; but I am feeling better physically and slowly much better mentally as well~ Just trying to be positive <3


I just came home from hanging out with my friends. We saw "How to Train Your Dragon". It was my second time seeing it. It's such an epic movie...vikings=badass, so it was great. The dragon is just too adorable...janna<3 When the credits started rolling, we stayed in the theater trying to find Armenian names...it is something that I think EVERY Armenian person does haha...we just look for a last name that either ends in "ian" or "yan". We found some near the ends....my friend works as an accountant for Dreamworks and her name appeared so that was exciting (her last name ends with "ian")!!!!~ Before all that I had school...was in studio and I got to clear some things up...I have a better understanding about what I have to do...still a little stressed about how I'm gonna get everything done plus other homework...but ehh mehh...It will all fall into place I hope. Now it is time for bed!! Good night~


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What a long and tiring day. I had school today in the morning and then my parents picked me up. I don't have a car..so I walk or ride my bike to and from school. But I am sick and I had a lot of stuff with me, so my parents picked me up and took me to work with them. It was really nice to be with them. My dad took a quick break and came to the kitchen area and hugged me and said he was super happy that I was there <3 <3<3 I have been stressing about school..that's nothing new...I have been working on studio which I'm feeling really sad about...there is so little left...four weeks, but I'm stuck..I dunno...anyway...

My parents, as I have mentioned before, are both dentists....I spent my time only in the kitchen area where they let me do whatever I want...I was trying to keep things clean and not make a mess. The door in the first photo goes into a very very small "room"....I call that my dad's studio haha~ That's where he makes his stuff...teeth stuff....~~~

My nose hurts a lot...need softer tissues...

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Okay...now I'm gonna go to bed cause my cold is getting worse.

Have a good Friday everyone!






Last day of school tomorrow before spring break...and I have a shit load of things to do. I am stressing that I won't finish in time to print...ugh. Tomorrow morning I'm going to visit the Hollywood Forever Cemetery because we are now gonna design a cemetery...so fun. NOT. I have been reading about coffins and burial techniques....not fun at all!!!

Another thing that was not fun is what happened to me today. I parked my car where I usually park it...rushed to class. My structures teacher held us in for an extra 30 minutes because she was going over everything so that we won't have problems while studying over spring break. My friend and I run to my car after class and he notices that there is a piece of paper on my windshield. So we look at it and see that it is a ticket because I was over 35 minutes....I understand..it was my fault...but what pissed me off sooooooo much was that this woman standing outside her house across the street...had been watching us and right when I said "oh no..it's a ticket"..she yelled "NOW YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON!!!!!!". OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I WAS SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS GONNA JUMP THAT BITCH. I was furious. My friend was laughing and saying that she is so stupid cause we know where she lives. I was so angry...I'm censoring all the bad things I said..If it was legal....I would seriously do something...she hurt my feelings while having this ugly smirk on her face. After she yelled she quickly went into her backyard and closed her gate. BITCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I HOPE SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO YOU.

ok. that might have been a little too much~ but i'm angry. ANYWAY. I got a new top and a new jacket. Both are from Forever 21~ It's been very windy and chilly outside lately, but hopefully it will get warmer~ YAY SPRINGGGGGGG~ <3