2013-09-28 20.22.08
September comes and goes way too fast. I've been so incredibly busy, but I'm not complaining. This past month was filled with lots of happy and sad moments. Here's a random compilation of phone photos I took the last three weeks.
This photo is my "thing" now. I can't explain it, but it fills me with so much joy.
A present from my mom for my birthday. It's very cozy.
My dad's birthday was also this month!
Thank you so much, Ethan~
Birthday muffin surprise in the middle of the night from my friend ~
We have a weekly tradition now: go to Shin Sen Gumi after work.
untitled 6666
2013-09-29 23.11.24
My little sunflowers are growing.
Got this little guy as a present. He is always with me.
Keeps me motivated.
So here is the sad news. My professor that I went to India with, Nick, passed away a week ago. It's the most surreal feeling knowing he's not there anymore. We were just emailing each other a few weeks ago, keeping in touch. I've been watching videos and looking through photographs remembering all the wonderful memories. Life is too short and anything can happen at any given moment. I'm happy I got the opportunity to get to know him. <3