I am so tired of everything. I have back pain, knee pain, head pain, and hand pain. I have cuts on my hands, burn marks, bruises on my legs and knees. I feel like I don't follow a normal pattern....I feel like I have fallen out of the loop. I feel distant from everyone. Haven't seen my friends in so long. I feel like a mess...I don't feel healthy and energetic anymore. Everything feels off...if that makes sense. I just live by due dates.....and its tiring....I don't feel happy. I can't wait till May......when this will be over with....I can't wait till summer...when I can soak under the sun...and regain my normal-ness......I'm sorry I don't blog so often....I realize it's been a while since my last post. I just don't get into the mood somedays....cause...once I finish my work for the day, I just want to fall into my bed and dream. I try to read your posts once a week....I want to see what you guys are up to~ I hope you are all well...and I miss you~