Food appreciation post. I met someone yesterday that was embarrassed by the size of her portion of the food she had ordered and it made me sad because it's not something to embarrassed of. Food is amazing and if there is a lot of it then everything is even more amazing! Food should make people happy...not sad. My uncle always tells me about his first date with my aunt. He took her to some restaurant and was impressed by the amount she ate and was happy that she wasn't embarrassed about it. I'm not advocating unhealthy eating and eating too much (I am very careful about what I ate and I also exercise everyday), but it's such a waste to stress out about what others think of the amount you eat! Enjoy life~

Crepes are amazing.

This burger was amazing too.

I like to cook quinoa and eat it with avocados or tomatoes or whatever I have in the fridge. So good.

My sister bought me Yan-Yans. Had to eat it. So good.

And then today I went to Le Pain Quotidien by UCLA with my sister. She is graduating in a couple of weeks so we had to go get her cap and gown!! YAYYYY

I tried to make a Triforce.

Have a happy weekend <3