The Borrower Arrietty

I am so excited about this! I purchased this Studio Ghibli movie last week after my first final and I haven't been able to stop watching it. It's called The Borrower Arrietty and it is one of the most beautiful things I've watched in my life. Even though this one doesn't feel as grand as their other movies like Spirited Away or Howl's Moving Castle (my favorite), Arrietty has touched my heart more than those two. It's simple and delicate. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but you have to watch this. It is so sweet~

The artwork is absolutely breathtaking and so is the music. The characters are wonderful and the story tugged at my heart. This movie made me very emotional...the emotions were already there haha, but they had been hibernating in a way~

I hope you guys get a chance to watch this movie. I can't put into words how amazing it is <3