School in Two Weeks

Project Runway yesterday!! was really weird. I got my class schedule today in the mail. I think it is alright. I'm excited that I don't have any afternoon classes. Those were a major pain...since I had to drive back to school for a second time. So here is my schedule:

MONDAY Calc 103H, Philosophy 101
TUESDAY Calc 103H, Engl 102, Speach 101
WEDNESDAY Calc 103H, Philosophy 101,
THURSDAY Calc 103H, Engl 102, Speach 101
FRIDAY Calc 103H, Philosphy 101

I hope this school year will go by fast!! I don't like Fall Semesters...since it starts to rain and get cold. During the Spring Semster I don't mind going to school...since the weather is so happy~

Today I am going to Michaels with my sister since she needs stuff for her summer assignment. I need a medium sized canvas, so I'll look for that.