
I've been looking through old photographs again. It's a great way to relax and slow things down a bit.  Here's  an old school photo of my dad and his dog, Pico. pico01


And here am I with my little puppy, Laika.


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I've been so busy these past couple of weeks. I've got to take care of loads of stuff on a daily basis and it's starting to take its toll on me. Laika has been adding to the stress, but with her it's different. I love being with her. But I am trying to figure out a schedule so I can have less pressure on me. I'm still trying to get used to her. I don't know how to describe it but I've always been on my own. I've never had to take care of anyone (if we don't count my mom) except for myself so it's so strange having a little baby in the house. We're getting the hang of it and I know that as time passes things will get easier~

Time for bed~ Good night <3

We are the dwarves of Lonely Mountain

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Did a seven mile hike in Cooper Canyon over the weekend with a group of friends. It was incredibly refreshing. We started at around 9:30 am and ended a little past noon. Afterward we went and ate and then we all felt a little funky so we went home. The following morning I felt some flu like symptoms. I was falling asleep at work so when I got home, I ate something quickly and then decided to take a short nap. That 'nap' lasted till 8:00 am the following day (today). I still felt tired but I had to be up. I was looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow but I have to wake up early and drive to Irvine which I'm super excited about so it's okay!

Lots of things are happening this week.....I'll try to update again soon with some happy news. Hope you're all having a wonderful week so far. Take care <3



best friends for life

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My parents and their best friend, Vartan, 35 years ago today. The ultimate triforce. The following morning my parents flew to Sweden, never to return and a couple of years after, Vartan was killed.

These photos give me a bittersweet feeling. Sad that this day was the last time these three where together but happy that they had found each other and shared such a special bond. Best friends for life.



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The last week of 2013 was a whirlwind of randomness. Good and bad randomness. Got a cold that still is lingering. I think it's from the ice cold shower I had no choice but to take...or from the outdoor event I went to where it got so cold that I could no longer feel my feet (I was wearing heels so that didn't help the situation). Either way, it doesn't matter because I think I'm getting better! Good randomness.....we bought a dog. I still can't believe happened out of the blue. We will be picking her up from the airport on Friday. I can't wait to meet her <3

I wanna wish you all a wonderful 2014. Lots of happiness and love <3

PS. I had forgotten my camera at my cousin's house during Christmas, so here are some week-old photographs.