Winter Session Has Started

First day of school after holidays~ For winter I am taking two classes: Mass Communication & Life Drawing. Mass Comm is about media and the different types of communication(radio, tv stations, etc.)'s really boring! The teacher is really nice though...he just teaches a really boring subject, so I know for sure I'm gonna fall asleep one of these days.My art class seems okay. The teacher is a little shy, and you can barely hear is voice. I bought most of my supplies today from an art store. I needed a bunch of graphite pencils and charcoal pencils and some layout bond. I hope I'll learn a lot in this class.

I saw this on TV a while ago...but I found it yesterday on YouTube!

I am starting to feel a little bit better. My voice is horrible though!! I sound like a man! ;_______; I was coughing the whole time in class today...people were giving me dirty looks ;__;....I can't wait till I get better!!

OHH! The error seems to have gone away. I never received an e-mail back...but I guess they fixed the problem (● ̄∇ ̄)=====b 。:*:・

Error?? What??

I am still sick. Today is my parent's 27th wedding anniversary~ They want to go out as a family, but I am like...ughhhhhh!! I took a shower an hour ago...and I am too tired to fix my hair.Today is a good day because I was able to complete one layer of the Rubik's Cube~! I am so proud of myself. I'm gonna try to finish the second layer later on tonight~

Isn't this the cutest thing ever?? My sister showed it to me~ So cute ^____________^

School starts tomorrow. I hope I have enough energy tomorrow. It's only two classes: Mass Communications and Life Drawing. I have no idea what Mass Comm is about...but I need it for my generals. Life Drawing is for my major...architecture.

Can you guys see that error message on the top of the page? I have no idea what that's about...I contacted my host...but I haven't received any reply yet. Do you guys know what's wrong?? Ughh whatever!!~


Nooooooooooooooooo. I am sick!!! I had a fever on Thursday and I've been in my bed ever since. I've been drinking orange juice...ughhhhhhhhh I'm getting sick of it. I'm so sad. It's not fair! My sister and my cousin are shopping for clothes and I'm at home ;___; sucks to be me! My Rubik's cube has been keeping me busy ^____^

First Post of 2007!

So far 2007 has been great! My best friend from Sweden and her family came and visited us!!! OMG! They came a week ago and on Monday we saw them for the first time in nine years~ OMG! My sister and I grew up with them, so they are very close to us..closer than all of my relatives. They are the only ones that really know us...since they were with us from the beginning. The cool thing is that they are two sisters and one younger brother. I am best friends with the older sister and my sister is best friends with the younger sister and the brother is best friends with all of us~ SO yeah...they came over on Monday and we all went out to eat at P.F. Chang's and then we came back home. They are staying with their dad's brother, so the brother called and asked when he was supposed to pick them up from our house(it was already really late)...after much convincing they all slept over the night. OMG it was just like old times!! We just sat up talking the whole night..OHHH and they brought us lots of Swedish candy that we ate...yum.The next day their parents said that they had to go and visit other relatives..the kids could stay, but they would come and pick them up later. So the five of us went to the Glendale Galleria so they could do some shopping, we ate ice cream and just hung out together. It was around 8:00pm when their parents called and told them that they could stay the night again if they wanted to!! We went and rented Napoleon Dynamite(since they hadn't seen it before) and Fearless(I love this movie). The next day(Wednesday) we went to some other stores and then ate at Chipotle(yummy). We went to Urban Outfitters and then bought a bunch of stuff. I bought a lomo camera from there!!~ Then finally I had to take them to their uncle's house.................................................we were so sad. It took us a while to find their uncle's house since I hadn't been there before and they couldn't remember the directions. When they finally had to leave the car my best friend, Ani, accidentally took my camera and left her stuff in the car. HAHAHA I'm so happy that we have to see them again. They are leaving on Monday ;_______; I'm definitely gonna try to go to Sweden this summer!!!!!!

SORRY FOR THIS WEIRD POST! ^_________________^<3