Post Milestone Update

A mix of low res photos of yesterday's milestone review. I was tired but that wasn't the problem. I hadn't eaten anything. I woke up, rushed to school to pin up, and just waited for my turn to present. We finished at 6:30 pm and I still hadn't eaten. I went out for sushi with my studio group afterward...and I ate a lot. A LOTTTTTTTTT. It was good. Untitled-1









Presentation went well. I was too tired to be all "YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYYY" about it, but it felt good and I am content. It was nice to wake up super late today. It's almost 4 pm.....I should get to some work~

Have a good weekend, everyone <3

PS! This what we do at 3 AM...the night before our review. Very productive~ KK BYEEEE!

A firm visit in Culver City

For my Professional Practice class, my group and I got the chance to visit an architecture firm called Berliner and Associates the other day that's located in Culver City. We got to ask them a bunch of questions about the business aspect of running a firm, what kind of projects they take on, what their philosophy is, etc. It was a great experience. The people working there were super chill and it showed that they enjoy what they do. The office itself surprised me. From the outside, it sort of blended into the fabric of the street, but on the inside it had a completely different feel. It's a beautiful working space with high ceilings and interesting textures. I don't know what the place is like when it gets very busy, but it seems like a very calm environment.





This was the materials library. It was filled with swatches and materials. Overwhelmingly awesome.






This is Ballona Creek. Almost two years ago, I had a studio that dealt with this creek. My site for that studio was a couple of blocks down from the firm. It was nice to visit the site again and remember all the feelings associated with that project. The gloomy weather was also reminiscent of that time.


Untitled-1My group.

Hope you guys are having a good week so far~ Take care!

Ever-evolving machine?


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I've been working on some conceptual ideas for my degree project. My project is turning into some sort of information storing machine....that's kind of biological. I don't know yet. I'm excited about what it can turn into but at the same time I'm overwhelmed by everything.

Since the first image is too small to show the details, I added some close up images. I'm trying to develop a style that will work for me. Hopefully I'll be able carry it throughout the remainder of the project.

I'm eating a lot of cake tomorrow.

Happy Thursday, everyone~

I can see the finish line...almost

My last semester has begun. It is a really exciting and nerve-racking time. It has been a long journey and it's all gonna be over soon~ I'm very excited for my degree project...I really like the subjects I'm dealing with. Here's to hoping that everything comes together nicely in the end~ I've been experiencing some severe nostalgia for the past two weeks. Maybe it's the cold that's messing with my head or something. I keep getting waves of feelings that remind of five/six years ago. It's nice~ I think I'm relating this final year a lot to my first year of architecture school....some of the same anxious feelings have surfaced but I'm embracing them.

For five years, I've had studio on Tuesdays and Fridays but for degree project students, studio is on Mondays and Thursdays. This is the first Friday in five years were I am free (not really free....have to work on studio but stillllll)~

And on a different note. I was in India a year ago. Time flies. I tied pink and yellow kite strings to my wrist during the Ahmedabad kite festival and I haven't taken them off since. The beautiful colors have washed~



Gonna get back to my work <3