another night post

Here I am again in bed posting from my phone.I am so tired. Been sitting in front of the computer the whole day. My eyes look terrible! My final is tomorrow and I have way too many things to worry about. Hopefully every thing will go well. Alright I should sleep! good night every one!

Posting from bed

I'm lying down in bed while typing this! It's kind of exciting to post using my phone! It takes me a while to type though sine I'm not used to typing but this will be good practice~ yayyyy I can type squigglies <3 So I've been infront of the computer for days now. My final is on Thursday, so I'm trying to stay focused. It's hard.

Speaking of things being's been hard for me to accept that Brasil is out ;___; my lovely team <3 It's ok though! 2014 the world cup is in Brazil and we will win!

And speaking of winning....NADAL WON WIM LEDON!!! it was so freaking awesome! I'm so happy!

Alright...time to sleep! Good night everyone <3


I got a new phone on Monday! I am super happy with it...haven't really gotten a chance to mess with it yet because of school. My final for this cemetery project is on the 8th of July! I will be presenting alone ;___; since I was sick~ OH WELL~ I have a lot a lot a lot of work to do. I had drawn a plan and two sections since last Thursday that got erased somehow on Tuesday. I was so upset. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday glued to the computer (my eyes hurt so much right now) so I could print something to show today. I am currently drawing a section that I need to email as soon as I can.

Here are some photos I've taken with my phone~ They are all different sizes! I don't know why hahahaha...I'll figure it out after I'm done with this project~

My cemetery site progress......(my room is a f****** mess).

4:30 am world cup viewing

My 2010 Kaka jersey. I love it so much. I'm sleeping with it on tonight for good luck for tomorrow's game.

My sister about to hit my dad's hand for eating before dinner is ready

water bottle...

My least favorite program of all time...AUTOCAD. From hell. Anyway. This is my cemetery plan drawing.


I'm brain dead and my back hurts. Man...I suck at using AutoCAD. I'm trying though. So, the day that I got sick, my laptop got a virus as well. I couldn't clean it, so I had erase everything I had on it. All my programs are gone, so I have downloaded this Free Student version of AutoCad and it's giving me all sorts of problems. So I'm dealing with a stupid program and not being able to figure out how I want this cemetery to look like....AAAAAAAAAAAAA. It feels like I've been talking about this cemetery forever.... Onto more fun news! Next week (Friday)! My cousins from New York are coming to visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! They are my favorite favorite favorite cousins....<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Okay, gonna get back to cad. ;_____;