EDIT: This one is for you Tiff...I'm sorry.


OMFGDLKFJSLDF!!!!! Nadal did it againnnn!!!!!!!!!! He won the French Open for a 4th straight time!!! Ahhh...so incredible~ I woke up at 6 to watch the game...and I was tired because of all the cheering I had done seven hours earlier...Portugal vs Turkey soccer game....Portugal won 2-0....we screamed and jumped a lot...so I was tired....But it was worth waking up early! Nadal really beat Federer badly...it was so bad that I had a hard time cheering for him cause I felt bad for Roger......he lost very badly...won only 4 games in the entire match...6-1, 6-3, 6-0.......yep...very badly....

Ahh! I did it again!!

mhmm pretty trophy..

I feel bad...can't really celebrate like last year...

OKAY!!! SO....Nadal's win has inspired me to beat the crap out of my art history and French finals...TOMORROW........just a little while longer!!!!!!!

Don't wanna study anymore!!!

OMG I'm so sick of reading!!!! I took my first final yesterday...went alright. Now I'm studying for my Art History and French tests. French is gonna be hard...Art History...I just have to memorize memorize memorize.....ughhhhh. Can't wait till Monday at around this time.....FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So tired. Can't give up!

MAN! I'm so tired you guys. Have a french test tomorrow...been studying all sorts of things....I'm hoping that the stuff I have been reading for the past five hours is sticking. EHH~ Tomorrow is Friday....I must have happy thoughts...like three day weekends....sleeping in.....hmmm playing videogames. Monday we are off since it's Memorial day. YAY~

Been studying hard....

...not. This game....I can't stop playing Contra. I must rememeber to write about this game later.

Please wish me luck for tomorrow!

I miss my childhood!!!

These two weeks were hell, but they are finally over! Monday I had an art history midterm and today I had a French test. I got an A on my French....my art history teacher is in Dallas, Texas, so I won't be getting the results back anytime soon. So on Sunday, my sister and I were reminiscing about our childhood. Specifically we were reminiscing about good times with our best friends. In Sweden, we knew another Armenian family...they lived in Uppsala, which was around 3 hours away from our town, Hallsberg. They had two daughters and a son. I was best friends with the oldest daughter, my sister with the other, and the son(the youngest one) would just tag along with us~ So they had this Barbie film called Barbie and the Rockers: Out of this World. OMG...WE LOVED THIS VIDEO!! I never liked Barbie as a kid...but this movie just sucked us in...it was so colorful and everyone looked so pretty...and the transformations were so much fun to watch (I remember being in that phase were I wanted to try on eyeshadow and lipstick hahaha)..........so what did I do? I bought the VHS from ebay on Monday!! I can't wait to watch it! My sister and I have planned a movie night!!! YAY~ It will be so much fun!