Too Hot to Think

Just finished reading some assignments and studying some French vocabulary. School is alright. Got back a history test a 95%...which means that I can now not go to class and still get an A. I don't need to take the final haha.  I'm still gonna go...cause it's interesting...and I would have a huge gap between classes... French is going alright...It's my hardest class this semester because I don't feel like memorizing stuff. My teacher is great...a little weird, but she makes it interesting.

It's been really hot here for a couple of days now. It's 10:34 pm and it has just started to cool room is so hot...I don't know how I'm gonna fall asleep tonight.

It's only Tuesday ;___;

I have been studying for French. I have my first composition on Thursday and then my first quiz on Friday. I have a history test tomorrow...which I'm gonna ace!!!!!!!!!!

french hw

Yesterday I recieved a copy of NYLON magazine. It's an okay magazine...lots and lots of pictures...and ads~~



supras Emma....this one is for you~

Lot's of pictures in this post...sorry have to scroll a lot....

In between my studying I took these series of photos....showing you how I solve my beloved Rubik's Cube:

Voila! And it is done!

P.S.! The Bonacure Hair Therapy cost around $12.50 and I got it from Carlton Hair International.

EDIT @ 19:44 P.S.S! The pool in the in my backyard.

Where Have I Been??

I haven't blogged for 19 days......UGHHH~ I had to take a short break from this, but now I'm back. School started last week...has kept me very busy. I am learning..............FRENCH! It's so much fun! My teacher is so weird, but I like her....she has a huge obsession with cats and brings pictures of her cats. Last week....she blow dried her hair in class...she said that the power went out in her house. It was really funny~ Yesterday I purchased a Nintendo DS Lite!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been wanting one for ages and yesterday was the day! I got the 'Onyx' pretty~ Hopefully I'll recieve it this week....PLEASE!!

So yeah....I'm taking's great~ Je suis une tomate! YAY<3


You guys....I am sooo tired!!!zzz02.gif My last two finals are tomorrow starting at 7:30 till 10:30 and then 10:45 till 13:00. I am so tired and my back hurts....I tried stretching, but it's not helping me. My sister is in the kitchen making Lussekatter. It's our Christmas tradition that we have brought with us from Sweden x1.gif Unfortunately I can't help her....since I'm stuck in my room reading about Henry of Navarre and the Tokugawa Shogunate.....ughhhhhhhhhh so boring book4.gif

Yummmm I can't wait till they are out of the oven!!I got A's on both my Modern Art and Humanties I'm happy~ I'm worried about my World History final....ughh. The sociology one isn't bugging me too much, since I have a 96 in the class right now. WISH ME LUCK PLEASE!!