Guess who kicked some ass this weekend??? ^________________^

"Nalbandian beat Federer 1-6, 6-3, 6-3 Sunday to win the Madrid Masters. On his way to the final against the world's top-ranked player, Nalbandian also defeated No. 2 Rafael Nadal and No. 3 Novak Djokovic."

So yeah! I'm excited! ^_________^

Other than that, nothing exciting in my life at the moment ;____; Just got back from school. I have a Modern Art test tomorrow....I have to learn 51 paintings by tomorrow. I've got most of the down....just some dates that I can't remember~ Then tomorrow, I have to study for my World History test, which is on Friday...ughhhhhh~

Lolo Loves Jimmy Page

I had my first Humanities midterm (why do they call it a's obviously not the middle of the semester) today~ It went really well smile.gif. I had to memorize around 50 paintings (the name of the artist, name of piece, and date) and also a bunch of crap about sonnets and The Song of Roland. I loveheart1.gif the art history part.....I could care less about the literature~ The only problem was that we didn't have enough time....I was in a state of panic the entire time funny.gif cause I had so much to say...but I did well~

Jimmy Page was so cute back in the day. LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ 5-01.gif I'm sorry...that was random.

Where is My Prince??

Took some time from studying to upload some photos today. I bought some really cute notebooks for school a couple of weeks ago from Mornings Glory and I forgot to show you~ heart1.gif

My Modern Art history notebook. I LOVE the cover of this one~
My Humanities notebook.
My World History notebook....boring class, but pretty notebook~
....and my Sociology notebook
Thank you Leanne for this really cute postcard~ I love it ^_____^<3
In this tiny notebook, I write down all of the paintings (dates and names) that I need to memorize for my art history classes....studying becomes fun when I use cute things~ 1-02.gif
You can see the rest of my photos here~

Money Does Not Grow on Trees!

So I bought the stupid book today. It cost me $85! What the hell?? It's a stupid book that does not have any pictures or color...SO STUPID!!! I am doing surprisingly well in my sociology class though....I have gotten a 5/5 on the 3 quizzes that we have taken and a 10/10 on my paper on symbolic interpretation (ughhhhhhhhhhh)ga-n03.gif~ I hate it though...such a stupid class~ I'm turning 20 in a week...and I'm not happy. Not because I'm growing old....I just don't want to be considered an adult....I don't want to have the responsibilities of an adult. So sad ;_____;ase.gif

Tomorrow I only have one class!!2-01.gif 2-01.gif 2-01.gifYAY!~