Painting and Cleaning

It so sunny and pretty outsidet02.gif...yet I am stuck at home cleaning. I am almost done painting the guest bathroom...just the final touches. I vacuumed the entire house...exhausting! Now I'm taking a small break....then onto my room. Not looking forward to it. So....School has been alright. I have four classes this semester:

World History M W F
Modern Art T TH
Literary Arts M W F
Sociology M W F

I hate my sociology teacher. She is a bitch. She assigned us homework last week...we had to read a section in the book and then write a page about it. So I went to the bookstore to buy the book, but they were out. So I went to the library to use theirs till the bookstore got more books. The librarian told me that they don't have my teacher's book there. My teacher never loaned the library a copy of the book for students to use. I was getting pissed offikari04.gif...I asked her how I was supposed to do my hw, if I can't get a book. The librarian told me to go and tell my teacher that the library needs a book. So I went to my professor and told her that I couldn't do my hw because there were no more books in the bookstore and the library had no books. She says, "No, no, no, the library has the book." I was like, "No, there were no books there." Then she tells me, "Why don't you use your logic skills and use another book. You think there is only one sociology book in the entire world?" BITCH!!! I hate her.

The Last Push!!

Tomorrow is my last final(PHYSICS)...then it is summer vacation!! I can't wait till 10:30 tomorrow morning! Even though I just have a little bit left to study...I have no motivation to do so!! My cousin's are so evil...they couldn't make it to my sisters bday/graduation party on Saturday, so they decided to take us out to sushi today...but I couldn't go...since I have to study.They came home an hour ago to pick me so that we could all go and watch Ocean's 13.....I was so ready to leave the house and have fun....but my guilt took over and I decided to stay home so I can study a little more ;________; I am so sad!!!~ It's not really the fact that I want to see the movie....I am really not in the mood to see it...I just wanted to hang out with my cousin's...I haven't really gotten to see them lately, since they had their first child(he's soooooooooooo cute btw...he got all fat and chubby!!! awwwww). Oh well!

Tomorrow night, I'm going out with my two friends to watch Pirates. They have seen it already...twice. But we always go together, and this time I couldn't go with them the first time, so we are going tomorrow. I hope it's not that bad. I am just going for Johnny...he is so cute!! Ohh also...I am going to New York this summer with my sister! Last time I was there was 2 years cousin's built a new house that I am dying to see! We are gonna stay there for 2-3 weeks...Not sure about the exact date, but we are planning to go in July~ What else....ohhh...the other day, my Calculus teacher was wearning a t-shirt that said:

"I want to be your derivative so I can lie tangent to your curves."

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! It's just weird! And he's married too!! Anyways...if you've ever taken might find that funny~ Speaking of Calculus...I am so happy that I won't ever have to take another math class...ever again!!! YAY~<3

Awwwwww...I am so sad that there is no more Roland Garros....have to wait till next year...where I hope Rafa wins again ^____^ I'll just have to wait till the 25th...that's when Wimbledon starts!!

OKAY...back to studying!


OMG YOU GUYS!! RAFA WON HIS MATCH AGAINS HEWITT!!!~ ^_________^ YAY~ I watched the whole match right after I got home from school. It was so good.

He is soooooo cute!!!~<3<3<3<3

Rafael Nadal 6 6 7
Lleyton Hewitt 3 1 6

Other good news. I got a 145/150 on my econ test! Almost perfect! I really surprised myself. I know everything (almost everything) about monitary policy now...never thought that I could understand economy~ I also just found out that my lab group got the highest grade (20/20) on our labfinal!!! ^_____^ I am so excited. My math test that I took today...was really bad though~

My friend took this while I was working on our lab that we got a 20/20 on~ The man in the back is my Physics lecture professor~ He is so awesome ^_________^<3<3


I'm studying for my last Calc test before finals. It's been going well...but I know that tomorrow morning, I won't remember anything! My uncle and aunt that live in NY were here over the weekend. They had to attend a funeral. I love them so much. They are the nicest and coolest relatives that I have. This summer, my sister and I are gonna go visit them in NY...sometime in July. It's will be great ^__^

BADDDDD NEWSSS~! David Nalbandian is out!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ;____; He lost to NIkolay Davydenko of Russia. Davydenko won 6-3, 7-6, 3-6, 7-6. I didn't get to see the match...maybe he would have won if I was watching ;_____; so sad~

Now that David is out, I am rooting for RAFA! He better win....he has to win!!!!

OKAY...I'm gonna go back and study~