AHHHH!~<3 My favorite Grand Slam is finally here!!! I haven't been able to watch that much of it, since it's the last two weeks of school...and I want good grades~ Tomorrow is Friday, so I'll get a chance to watch a couple of matches.

Rafa won his second round match today against Flavio Cipolla, 6-2, 6-1, 6-4~ YAY!!~ He has been playing really well. If he ends up winning this French Open, that would make it his third consecutive French Open title....WOW~

Unfortunately, Safin is out ;____; I'm so sad. He is one of my favorites~ This is such a cool shot~!<3<3

I'll try to have small updates on the grand slam~

My schedule for the next two weeks is really bad! I have so much studying to do...I don't know how I'm gonna have time to do it all.

  • ECON TEST #4 ---- June 1st (TOMORROW....ughhhhh)
  • Calculus chp. 12 TEST ---- June 3rd
  • Physics TEST #4 ---- June 5th
  • ECON FINAL ---- June 11th
  • CALCULUS FINAL ---- June 13th
  • PHYSICS FINAL ---- June 13th

OMG...........................I am so tired!!!!!

2 Years and 1 Day~

Yesterday day was the 2 Year Anniversary of my blog ^_________^ Not a big deal, but I can't believe how quickly time passes~ Thank you too all of you who have been reading my blog! I really appreciate everyone's comments and advise throughout these two years....I'm really grateful to have friends like you~ THANK YOU!!~ I took a 30 minute break today and played some Capcom vs. SNK. I love Street Fighters. I love love love Street Fighters. Sakura is my favorite...She is just so awesome~ Do any of you guys play or used to play?? I don't play games as much as I used to. It's sad. I used to a lot in high school~ That's it....this summer....I'm just gonna play games!

Another thing that I really miss is watching anime. The old school Gundam Wing. OMG...I used to love that show. I still do....awwwwwww. My favorite character was Duo Maxwell~ So cute ^____^ I loved his Deathscythe. During middle school....all I would do was draw Gundam Wing fanart (and Sailor Moon fanart...DBZ fanart...Trigun Life was great back then ^^

Okay, my physics lab is due tomorrow. I've been reading my textbook for Friday's test. I am so tired! Can't wait till more tests!!

I 'm gonna go to bed now....I should study some more....but I'm not going to...I'm too tired!

I hope you all are having a good week so far. Friday is almost here....almost! Though...I'm not gonna have a good weekend ;__;

Take care ^_____^<3<3

One problem fixed~

Wow...this week is gonna suck...I can just tell:

  • Physics test on Friday - 5/4
  • Physics lab due - 5/5
  • Math test on Monday - 5/7
  • Econ test on Wednesday - 5/9
  • Physics lab due - 5/10

I am so bummed. I have no idea what the hell we are doing in calc. It seems so useless~ Physics is great. I love my lab teacher...he is so awesome. I can't believe that I have such an amazing teacher!

Something even more amazing!

Hahahah they are so funny ^_________^<3<3<3

So yeah, Rafael Nadal won yet another title, the Barcelona Open. He beat Guillermo Canas of Argentina 6-3 6-4. The most amazing thing is that this is his 3rd straight Barcelona Open title and he has extended the record of most successive claycourt wins to 72!! Isn't he just amazing???!!!So I renewed my domain and domain name today. They fixed the problem. I don't know why they did that....but at least it's fixed. Now I'm just waiting for my magazines ;____; I hope they aren't lost somewhere!!~

PS. Do you guys know what a blogroll is?? I am still getting used to my new version of's asking me if I want to add any links to my blogroll...any idea??

Spring Break Starts Now~!

Last day before Spring Break was today. It went well...especially physics...I have fallen in love with physics~ It's so awesome...especially when we have discussions about stuff involving space....ahhh I kind of miss class....hahah NO!! I have a lot of stuff to do this for two tests which are they days I get back. I have decided to wake up early and study during the mornings and then have the afternoons to do whatever. I hope I stick to this schedule...I tend to get lazy during breaks ^___^~

I might go to Little Tokyo this weekend...either tomorrow or Sunday...depending on my cousin who wants to go. I haven't been there since December...I think~ It's been a while...and I miss it~

New layout too~! I had the other one for a really long time. I got attached to that one...but I thought it was time for a change~

I hope you all have a wonderful weekened!! ^________^