Three More Days

Winter session ends on Friday..I'm so excited! Staying till 5:00 everyday is just too much....I can't wait till Spring semester begins...I'll be waking up early, but I won't have to go home late ^_____^ This sticker is on a vending machine in the art building...hahaha~ Omg...the vending machines suck...they are raising the prices of everything by 20 cents!! What the heck?? Everything is so expensive to begin with...hmmmmmmm!

My perspective drawing project is due on Thursday...I'm almost done. It's such a pain...cause you have to measure everything perfectly. Ewwwww. I'm drawing a hallway...I had to sit for hours and hours on the ground...back pain!!

Okay, I have to go to bed. I'm tired!!

Still Coughing

Hello....I am so tired ;____; I was up all night coughing. I am not feeling weak anymore..but my coughing is not going away! Hm...I can't wait till I'm 100% better~! I have been drawing my feet. SOOOO BORING!! My first assignment for art is to draw my feet...and we are not allowed to shade!!! ughhh....... The class is way too long, from 1:00pm to back is always hurting when I leave that class. I'm happy that I don't have art on Fridays...ohhh and Monday is a holiday!!!!!!~

Hmmm...what was I going to say...OH YEAH~ So last week registration for SPRING 2007 started. I want to continue with my calculus class. Last semester's was Honors this coming semester would be Honors 104... My friend, whose registration date was last Thursday said that the class was closed!! She said that she tried to get into the class, but the website said it was closed. I started panicking because....what the heck am I gonna do if I don't get into that class???!!!! I was really worried...since my registration date was today at 4:45...............anyway!! So yesterday I found out that the online registration system had messed up so everyone who had already registered had to re-register + the class hadn't been closed...soooooo todayyyy I got to register!!! I am so happy...if I didn't get in...I don't know what I would have done. I have to be extra careful with my schedule....since I have to drop off and pick up my sister from school everyday. YAY!!! So Happy!!



I am sooooooo happy! My Calculus final came and went! Today I had to wake up at 5:00am to get ready for my final which was at 7:00am. I didn't study as much as I had planned, but surprisingly, everything went really well. I feel like this is the best final I have ever taken..even though it was long and hard. I feel good about it ^_______^ I got out of my final at 10:00 and went home to study for my other classes.I got two packages today from Jenn and Jen!!! Thank you both so much! Jenn! I loved your Christmas card; you and your family look so adorable!!! Kaylie<3 I loved it ^___^ And Jen! Thank you for the onsen powders...hahaha my dad happened to see them on my table and thought they were powdered green tea~

I have two more finals left. And then I will be free. This coming Saturday my family is going to Las Vegas. I'm not too thrilled. I really don't like that place. It's just boring. The hotel we are staying at has a bowling alley though...which is open 24 hours a day~yay. What I'm really excited about though is the Cirque du Soleil show that we are gonna go and see on Saturday night! I have always wanted to see their shows ever since Augusto told me how awesome it was way back in 9th grade~

I haven't been able to do much except school work. However, last week I managed to draw my favorite character from Naruto~ I love Kakashi Sensei...he is awesome ☆━━(♥≧▽≦♥) ━━!!!


OHH!!! Yesterday we put up our tree! We bought an actual tree since my mom hates our fake one. My dad and I weren't too happy..since we are tree lovers. But I have to's beautiful! I'll take some pictures if I have time. I didn't get to decorate it...since I was studying for math ;___;

OMG guys....I want Copic Markers! They are so awesome...but soooo expensive! ;______________; My friend own twelve Copic marker and I am so jealous! 12 markers cost around 60 dollars! They sell the 72 set one for $ expensive...

OKAY...I still have two finals I better get off the computer ;___; Wish me luck you guys!!!<3<3


It's sort of the last week of the semester. I have my last final on Monday...I think. Some of my teachers aren't even sure when our finals yeah...that's good. Guess what!!! I got a 41 out of 50 on my last Calculus test!! OMG!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!! I didn't even get to study for it! I was writing my English research paper and I finished it at around 9:00pm...and then I started studying for Calc from 9:30 to around 1:00am....and then I woke up at 4:00am and studied a little more...and then I studied in the car for 40 minutes right before my exam which started at 8:15am.......My head hurt soooooooooo much. I had been working on that research paper for five days straight....after the Calc test I was just done. It was some sort of a miracle hahaha or some super luck that made me do so well...It's how stress and pressure can make you perform better sometimes! On to other news! I've "opened" a business! Well my business is part of a bigger company. It's called Burnlounge. On my Burnlounge website, I sell music....just like iTunes does. In a couple of months I'll be selling movies, ringtones, and games as well. If any of you download music from iTunes...maybe you would like to try Burnlounge out and see if you would like it better~ Burnlounge is a very new company so it's just starting out...because of that, anyone can sign up and sell music too....I'm trying it out to see how I like it~ So if you wanna download music, please try mine out!!<3

I've been reading Naruto like crazy these couple of days. It's so good...ahhhh~ What sucks is that I can't read a lot..since I have a lot to study. I can't wait till this semester is over with...then I can focus on fun stuff! ^___________________^

How is everyone's day coming along?? <3 Take Care!!~