Three is the magic number

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Had a strange week. First my dad got into a car accident on the freeway. Then my uncle (who is visiting from NY) got into a car accident and then it was my turn. Got into a small one yesterday. I was stopped at a red light when some dude hit me from behind. My first thought was "UGHHH NOT THIS AGAIN." The guy was nice. I felt bad...I mean, I know he hit me, but I still felt bad and I wanted to assure him that I was fine. I am fine. My neck is a bit sore and my lower back hurts a liiiitle bit now, but I'm perfectly fine.

I also managed to hurt myself in studio. The cut wouldn't stop bleeding for two days! What the hell?? It wasn't that bad of a cut either. But it's healing now~

Other than that, I've been busy with school. Just school. I'm having small episodes of pure panic every now and then when work doesn't go as well as I had planned. But I know in the end it will be fine, so I try not to stress toooo much. I've learned to deal with it well. What makes it all worthwhile is that I'm working on something that I enjoy (even though it makes me frustrated) and that I have really cool professors.

Enough of this. Back to some work. Have a good week guys. Hang in there. Everything is gonna be fine.

Baby Deathscythe

Photo on 2-10-13 at 3.39 AM #4 Saturday I wasn't feeling my studio work so I thought, "Let's do something fun instead!" so I put together my very own baby Gundam Deathscythe. I had too much fun. It was great. I thought it was gonna turn out to be something that just stands there in one position, but this guy has a lot of range in his movements. I'm impressed. It's posing next to my tea cup at this moment.




J'aime Duo Maxwell.




Had to bring out the Maxi-Cure cause I 'accidentally' snapped the scythe in two. EASILY FIXED.



So glorious. I'm so proud of him.



He's already making friends left and right. SLOW DOWN, DUDE.

Ever-evolving machine?


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I've been working on some conceptual ideas for my degree project. My project is turning into some sort of information storing machine....that's kind of biological. I don't know yet. I'm excited about what it can turn into but at the same time I'm overwhelmed by everything.

Since the first image is too small to show the details, I added some close up images. I'm trying to develop a style that will work for me. Hopefully I'll be able carry it throughout the remainder of the project.

I'm eating a lot of cake tomorrow.

Happy Thursday, everyone~