This is what I wore today. Boots...I'm gonna miss them during the summer, but I can't wait to wear sandals again! I miss's still a little cold/rainy...I saw a couple of girls wear sandals the other day and I wanted to wear them too, but when my feet are cold I get really cold and uncomfortable, so I will wait!~ Now off to do studio homework...all nighter ahead of me!
Morning Tea
Drinking tea in the morning is something I do everyday. I don't realize, but we drink so the morning, during a snack, after lunch, after dinner, a cup before I go to bed...tea tea tea~ I love it though~
I just got back from my Pro-Prac I have to continue working on my studio project which is due tomorrow!
See you later~<3
I got this shirt from Forever 21 a month or so ago. It's been a while, but I finally wore it today! I really like it...metallic..shiny, but not too much. I have a couple of things that I haven't had the time to show you guys..some things here and there...I'll try to post them!
SO. Today I played tennis with my best friend. We have played a few times now...trying to get into it again. Last time we had seriously played was in August...When school starts, I can't really find the time. But now I am forcing myself to find some time, and I couldn't be happier. Even though I lost today, (6-2, 6-0..yea yea), I played fairly well. There was this one point..where he got up to the net and hit..and I had to run as fast as I could to get to it...I almost didn't believe I would be able to touch the ball..but I was able to, and the ball went behind him and I won that point. Probably the best point I have ever played. ANYWAY! I'm bitter that I lost, but I'm really happy we are playing again. It's a wonderful feeling~
Speaking of tennis, I have been watching every game of the Aussie Open. Both the females and the males...and it has been an interesting one. JUSTINE HENIN OMGGGGGGGGGG. I hope she wins. She has played so freaking well. She will meet Serena Williams in the final! Right now the Murray/Cilic game just started (1-0 Murray). I want Cilic to win...Murray has played really well, but I want Cilic...COME ON MAN!!!!!!
Just got out of a much needed hot bath. It has been raining this week..and today has been crazy. I rode my bike to school today with an umbrella in one hand...I almost got into an accident (not my fault) and I almost fell of my bike (I fell off of it yesterday..). I got to school safely...on the way back was raining even more! So I decided to walk my bike so that I could hold the umbrella properly...My new boots were the only shoes I could think of to wear....they are completly wet. My umbrella now I was stuck in the rain...with nothing. I ran to a bus stop which was deserted. I took of my jacket and wrapped my bagpack with it (my laptop was in it and I didn't want it to get anymore wet), and I just rode my bike as fast as I could home. I am not exaggerating...I was completely soaked. My socks, shirts, pants, shoes, EVERYTHING...I felt very heavy, but I was moving as fast as I could. When I came home, I just threw everything on the floor and tried to heat the house and eat something warm. My mom had made soup the day before, so I put it on the stove and then I prepared a bath, casue I starting to feel bad. I ate, and then jumped in the water.
I just finished drying my hair. I have a bad headache, but I think I will be alright.
School has started...this is my second week and it's not TOO bad which is scary since I am just waiting for it to get overwhelmingly horrible soon... My studio desk was stolen...which hasn't been so great, but I decided to stop thinking about it and just look forward. Studio has been going well so far...I have my first review on Friday, so I have to get my diagrams and panels ready by then.
OKAY...I need to eat again. HUNGRY LOLO.