Sorry for the long absence. I think I needed it though. I felt like I needed to get away for a while. So what have I been up to? I've been hanging out with my friends and loved ones. I have visited Vegas, Santa Barbara, Irvine, and San Diego and I'm planning more trips here and there. I've hung out with friends late at nights at random cafe to sketch or talk. I've been taking naps at Korean spas after OD-ing on boba. I have been running everyday and I recently started playing tennis again and I've stayed up late at nights to play Starcraft. It's been good. I have also been dealing with a lot of difficult things. Heavy things that sometimes makes me question why I should even bother to do anything at all. Luckily I have very persistant friends that are always here to make me forget the sad things for a little bit. I worry a lot about my mom. I worry a lot about the future of my family. We've been through a lot and everyday is a challenge. I'm lucky to have a strong family but I still worry every single moment that I'm awake.
To distract myself, I've been working on my portfolio....slowly starting to build up my resume so I can start applying to different places. But the best distraction has been to paint. When school ended I was burnt out and I didn't want to create anything. Now I have finally started to paint again for myself and it's exciting and fun. I want to be more creative because it allows me to feel free. My family situation has chained down to a certain degree. I feel trapped sometimes and I think that I'm subconsciously trying to escape through painting.
Anyway. I'll keep it at that. I'm happy to be back. I needed to be away so I could miss it.
Summer is here~
PS. Jing <3 Thank you so much for your sweet words~ I miss you too