Ahhhhhhhh I am so relieved!! These coming weeks aren't gonna be so bad. I had two test back to back last week and some assignments due yesterday. Now I am free for a little while. I finished my math hw today so I can finally relax! I went to the post office today and I need to go again tomorrow. I have some business to take care of ^___^~ I went to my friends 20th b-day party on Saturday. It was pretty fun. I hung out with my sister and our friend the whole time though. Everyone was drunk...everyone...except us three of course ^___^ We were having fun watching them from afar. I'm not into alcohol...it doesn't really excite me hahaha...I'm the kind of person who takes a little sip of wine during new years or some other celebration. I don't like the way alcohol tastes...though I like the smell of beer....haha..anyway!