Agos[Hrant's newspaper] was established in 1996, and Dink didn't shy away from dealing with the controversies in that region over the killings of Armenians from 1915 through 1917 -- a hot-button issue in Turkey.
Armenians and other countries regard those killings as genocide, a claim rejected by the Turkish government, which says Armenians and Turks were killed in civil warfare.
Andrew Finkel, a journalist in Turkey and a friend of Dink's, emphasized that Dink's killing was "a tragedy" for a country attempting to come to terms with its past.
I am so angry right now! I'm so pissed off....and so sad that we have lost such an important person.....he was an essential part of Armenia's growth...and now he's dead....his voice was very critical for us.
I'm really sad ;________________;....everything sucks.