I'm here!!! Been a little busy this week. LOTS of stuff has happened--------------! I went to my cousin's baby shower on Saturday. It was really really boring.....hahaha~ There were just a bunch of old ladies there and ughhhh they were just talking talking talking....
Sunday was awesome!!! I went to a soccer game. Armenia vs. Panama~ This game was a qualifying game, so it counts towards the FIFA World Cup. OMG I had so much fun. I went with my dad, sister, and a bunch of friends. I ended up seeing even more friends at the stadium. The whole stadium was filled with Armenians....it was crazy. The game was okay. The score ended up being 1-1....a tie~
It was so weird...there were almost no females at the game!! It was kind of cool though since there were NO lines in the bathroom!!! HAHAHA~
Sunday also was the first day of the Australian Open! Don't think that I have forgotten about the tennis! I've been watching everyday while drawing for art. I'm sad Baghdatis is out...he's always fun to watch. I'm am as always cheering for David Nalbandian<3 I'm waiting for the Andy Roddick vs. Marat Safin game to start. I HOPE SAFIN WINS....::wishing::!! Serena William's game against Nadia Petrova just ended....it was a really good match...very exciting! Ohhh and Rafael Nadal won his 2nd round match!! Ahhhh I love the Australian Open...so much excitement!!~
I just finished watching a Japanese drama called Ace wo Nerae (Aim for the Ace).....obviously about tennis~ It was okay ^__________^ Hmmmm.....
Oh! I got my hair cut on Monday!!! I got bangs now! My hair is to my shoulders now with lots of short layers. HAHAHA my head feels lighter!