I'm sitting in my hotel room in Boston at the moment writing this as it's pouring outside. I spent the weekend in Portland, Maine visiting my friend who has been working at a restaurant there since August. I was already going to visit the east coast thanks to the Billy Joel tickets I bought eight months ago, so I figured I'd swing up and visit her and then make my way down. I'm so happy I chose to do that.

Portland was very cute and cozy. It wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be, but the second day I was there, the temperature dropped significantly. But I like it cold. The people were also very sweet. 

We walked around everywhere, drank a lot of beer, and ate a ton of yummy food. Though I enjoyed being there, I was itching to get to Boston. Quiet cities make me anxious after a while and I felt the need to be around more people. 

Portland was different from what I imagined it to be but I enjoyed it very much. Boston, however, is living up to what I imagined it to be like. 

I have got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow so I need to get to bed <3
